GO750 - move Post Code file to device

Dec 28, 2009
Had quite a few problems with this new device, had to contact support 3 times to sort out map guarantee download, voices, etc. Only remaining problem is that after they have remodelled everything I can't navigate to a post code because it will only accept the first 3 letters.

Had a look on Home and the post code file is not on the device but appears under Computer. Is it possible to move items from the Computer to the device? Can't see the post code file when I have a look via Windows Explorer.

Any advice much appreciated.
It sounds like you have been having "fun" with TomTom Home, its a useless application IMHO so lets look at getting you the postcode data up to date and installed on the device WITHOUT using useless software!

For a start download the latest postcode data by clicking Here

Connect the TomTom to the PC, if Home starts up shut the PC application down as its not required for this install. Use Windows Explorer to open the drive letter associated with the TomTom, right click on the drive letter and choose Add New/ Folder, name the new folder "zip" (all lower case and without the "").

Unzip the download which will produce four files, copy these files to the device putting them in to the "zip" folder.

Use the disconnect USB device from PC icon which should be lower right of your PC screen, this is to ensure the PC has stopped writing data to the device, otherwise you can screw up the software on the nav unit - Mike
Hi Mike,

Thank you very much indeed for your most helpful advice which I followed and Hey Presto! all working fine now.

You are much better than the Helpline!!!!

Thanks again,

Glad to hear thats fixed the issue, one interesting thing is by downloading using the link in my previous post gives you nice up to date postcode data, try doing this using TomTom Home and it doesn't work!!! - Mike

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