Go Premium thinks it's not moved for 30 minutes

Jul 10, 2022
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GO Premium X
I have a Go Premium X and generally pre-load routes which often cover more than 100 miles. In use the tom-tom normally performs faultlessly but occasionally it tells me no movement has been detected for a while and it is about to shut down. This is not a problem if I see the warning in time because I can cancel out of it with no ill effect. However, if I don't spot it in time the sat nav shuts down and the only options then are to stop, reload the route and cancel all the waypoints up to my current position or, alternatively, build a new route from my current position to my destination.

The only 'commonality' I've noticed which might be a clue is that this seems to happen if I'm on main roads when I'm not watching the sat-nav for instructions all the time so perhaps the sat-nav's not 'thinking' too hard although my position on the map is always accurate.

In an attempt to resolve this I've re-set the sat-nav but this hasn't worked.

Has anyone else come across this or does anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix it?
Your GPS may not charge in your car?
See battery settings to enable it to stay on.
Check the cigarette lighter socket.
Also check your cable.
@Willy: i’m pretty sure that’s not it, I use a dedicated usb socket with uprated output and the sat nav is invariably charged when I remove it at the end of each trip.
Your GPS may not charge in your car?
See battery settings to enable it to stay on.
Check the cigarette lighter socket.
Also check your cable.
Further to my last I’ve just seen where you say “see battery settings to enable it to stay on”. I’m confused, where do I find these settings please?
If it is a USB port installed on your car, this USB port does not deliver enough current to keep your GPS charging.

Settings in the main menu, then System, then Battery Settings.
This has nothing to do with the power supply.
My GPS has had exactly the same problem every now and then since a firmware update about 2 years ago.
It has already happened 4-5 times that it wanted to turn off while driving. There was a power supply! The message after the power supply is interrupted looks different.

This feature was added a few years ago. We believe it is designed to prevent the device from continually requesting traffic update when the device is stationary for 30 minutes or more.

I'm just looking at your actual screen up there, and it appears that someone has gone wrong such that you have lost GPS connection (a gray chevron and satellite icon is showing?) while this message is being displayed.

You're right.
I provoked this scene in the apartment because I couldn't take photos while driving.
But it's exactly the same message that appeared several times during the drive.
You're right.
I provoked this scene in the apartment because I couldn't take photos while driving.
But it's exactly the same message that appeared several times during the drive.
The only way that should happen on the road is if you're stuck in frozen traffic for an extended period.

Have there been any other specific circumstances that occur concurrently with this message?
It always happened while driving. The GPS worked normally without any special incidents.
The picture here is from a user from the German TT forum. It also happened to him while driving.
FWIW, this was introduced at version 22.100.001. It should ONLY occur on those devices that include SIM cards since it is an attempt to limit unnecessary cellular comms, though I fully understand that isn't the only time it seems to be happening.

Is anyone with a NON-SIM device seeing this, or only SIM connected?

Here's how it was expected to operate, and please observe the " <8 km/h " note! If you're crawling, it might still be triggered.


Automatically suspend connected device after standing still for 30 minutes:
  • On a device connected (GPRS)
  • After 30 minutes of standing still (stationary, not driving, speed <8 km/h)
  • If the home screen (navigation view) is showing
In such event...
  • The auto-suspend countdown screen is shown
  • Starting the countdown at 5 minutes

More than 1 minute to go:


Less than 1 minute to go:



  • The auto-suspend countdown screen will not show if the home screen is not shown (e.g. while in the menu).
  • The 30 minute time starts when the home screen is shown.
The phrase “auto-suspend” suggests that if this happens then, when I notice and turn the screen back on, it will return to where it was when it turned off. When this last happened to me and I didn’t see the screen in time to prevent it turning off I was on an A-road near Salisbury and, when I turned the screen back on, my route had gone and I was looking at the start screen.
The thread creator @Paul Croft has a GO 510, so without a SIM. I have a Go5200, so with a SIM.
It never happened in slow traffic, but during normal driving.
I am the the thread creator and my device, as per the opening words of my original post, is a Go Premium X. I've just updated my profile to suit, sorry for the confusion.

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