GO LIVE 1000 loses planned routes

Feb 19, 2012
Birmingham, UK
TomTom Model(s)
GO Live 1000
I just got my third TomTom, a GO LIVE 1000. The first two would hold a planned route in memory indefinitely after the unit was turned off.

However, if I plan a route in advance with my new TomTom and then turn it off the route vanishes after just a few hours. I have updated to Version 11.167 and the battery is fully charged.

Presumably this is a fault and I will need to return it to the seller for replacement?
That's a deliberate design change by Tomtom on newer models. They assume you arrived at your destination if the Tomtom is off for a long time.

You can tap or say "navigate to recent destination", and pick the top one off of the list.
Thank you for your reply.

I had wondered if that was the case, but thought it unlikely as it appears to me to be a retrograde step.

Sometimes I like to plan a route the evening before my journey and refine it to include or avoid certain roads and places. Then I have my preferred route ready for the morning. Now it would seem that I have to delay doing that until I am about to set off.

I can't understand why a GPS device would make assumptions regarding its location over the previous few hours (or indeed at all) and then conclude that I have completed my journey, especially as it is clear that I am still at the location where I planned the route. Oh well.
Or to put it another way....

I can't understand why a GPS device MANUFACTURER would make assumptions regarding its location over the previous few hours (or indeed at all) and then conclude that I have completed my journey, especially as it is clear that I am still at the location where I planned the route.

It's one of an ever-growing number of bizarre design changes that have a lot of long-term TomTom users scratching their heads and thinking "who on EARTH made that decision?"
Or to put it yet another way....

My first three satnavs have all been TomToms. Subsequent ones may not be!

Tomtom would do well to remember the old adage: "If you don't look after your customers, someone else will".
Or to put it another way....

I can't understand why a GPS device MANUFACTURER would make assumptions regarding its location over the previous few hours (or indeed at all) and then conclude that I have completed my journey, especially as it is clear that I am still at the location where I planned the route.

It's one of an ever-growing number of bizarre design changes that have a lot of long-term TomTom users scratching their heads and thinking "who on EARTH made that decision?"
Actually, I happen to agree with this design approach, except that the removal of itinerary planning means that there is not an alternative way to do what DiddyS prefers.

IMO, different people will always have different preferences, and I don't think that there is any practical way to have "one size fits all". The solution is to make preferences like this user selectable options. That is where I think TT has room for improvement.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
I don't see why the current route should ever be deleted on a Nav3 unit. Unlike Nav2, the "Clear route" is right there on page 1 (have to dig down a couple of pages to get it on Nav2). Most of the time, I'll be punching in a brand new route when I get back into the car anyway.
I don't see why the current route should ever be deleted on a Nav3 unit. Unlike Nav2, the "Clear route" is right there on page 1 (have to dig down a couple of pages to get it on Nav2). Most of the time, I'll be punching in a brand new route when I get back into the car anyway.
That's where I look at things a little differently - but then I have always been considered to be more than a little bit weird. :roll:

With Nav2 as implemented on the XXL540, I just tap "Drive To" on the first page and it jumps right to letting me specify my destination, even though I may already have a route selected - and might even be driving on it. With NAV3 as implemented on the GO1535 LIVE, if I have a route planned, "Clear Route" takes me to a page where I now have to tap "Navigate to", and then specify a destination.

Granted, it is only one additional screen when compared to the NAV2, but as a percentage increase in the actions required, it feels like a much less efficient approach.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
Personally I can't see why anyone would want the route they've planned to be deleted automatically before they've had a chance to travel it. However, we are all different and if that's what some people want then let them have it via an option - just don't make it compulsory. Then we would all be happy. Probably.

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