GO 730 Questions - Optimizing Stops

Nov 9, 2008
I have very limited time to evaluate this product (until Tues) to avoid a 15% restocking fee and have questions I am unable to find answers to. I would greatly appreciate your help as the only reason I purchased this was for my routing.

I need to be able to punch in more than two addresses and the TomTom calculate the best route. I looked at the itineraries and it doesn't optimize the stops. It gives me my route based on the order I tell it. I need it to do it for me.

Also, I have Microsoft Streets & Trips '06. If the TomTom won't optimize my stops, does anyone know if this will work with MS? I am willing to use any software (I don't have to purchase); but it has to calculate the best route.

So far I am very excited to be an owner of TomTom; but this is the only reason I purchased it and it's not going to benefit me if it can't do this one function.

Please advise. Thank you in advance.
No TomTom has the route optimization functionality, unfortunately. The Garmin 7xx series has this functionality.

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