Go 720 switching screens

Dec 24, 2009
my go 720 is switching screens from the map nav screen. :mad: I set a route, or have it just turned on and it will switch to another screen - (one was asking me to locate police stations.) It also keeps asking me to choose country and language? contacted Tom tom support. Formatted go 720 and eventually managed to re load software - but the problem of screen jumping is still happening. can anybody suggest a solution. I am running xp Pro as my main computer. But the sucessful (well only to download) dowloads have been on my laptop with windows 7.:( Probably as there were no TT files on this comp.
Take a sharp piece of cardboard (like the corner of a business card) and run it around the border of the bezel slowly. Sometimes, a bit of dirt gets under there, causing undue pressure on the screen with a screen jumping result you describe.

Another cause may be if you have a screen protector on the screen. Over time they tend to dry out, also causing additional pressure on the glass. Check those things out.
my go 720 is switching screens from the map nav screen. :mad: I set a route, or have it just turned on and it will switch to another screen - (one was asking me to locate police stations.) It also keeps asking me to choose country and language? contacted Tom tom support. Formatted go 720 and eventually managed to re load software - but the problem of screen jumping is still happening. can anybody suggest a solution. I am running xp Pro as my main computer. But the sucessful (well only to download) dowloads have been on my laptop with windows 7.:( Probably as there were no TT files on this comp.

Having the same problem and have been to Tech Support and was offered same advice which seemed to work.

Believe it is caused by the Battery being low and I mean below 50% (colour amber).

Try charging with a mains adapter or PC with it switched off for a while and see if that cures it.

The battery charge 'guess-ometer' is found by tapping the Map when viewed in the bottem of screen and you will see it at the top.

Lots of posts on what I would call totally inadequate battery capacity. Needs at least 2000 not a silly 1100 sized battery.

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