Go 710 charging issue

Jun 13, 2010
TomTom Model(s)
XL Live
My 710 has started to cause me issues. Lately is hasn't been charging using either the incar charger or desktop charger. I've had this unit for several years, I thought it was the battery so I bought a new 1.

This hasn't cleared the problem.

I've taken the tomtom apart, and taken some voltage readings.

At the dock I read 5.12v. Disconnecting the battery I read 3.22v at the battery connector on the board. So by looking at that I thought the battery would charge. But looking at the screen during charging it doesn't show it's charging only that the battery is flat.

Just did an overnight charge but still the same.

Does anybody have any ideas on how I could find the issue/damaged part & repair it myself.

Welcome to TTF. When you connect either by car charger or via usb cable, does the power light on the unit light up?
Thanks for the welcome. Yes the led does light up. At 1 point I had to tape the incar charger dock to the tomtom just to get it charge.
Look for UK based supermod Mikealder to pop into this thread. He may have some suggestions for you. If he doesn't appear within 24 hours, pm him.
From memory an x10 battery should be 3,7 Volts when charged so if you only have 3,22V I would think thats fairly flat.
The x10 models suffer from connector issues between the device and the dock, as you are finding problems with both the Home dock and the car dock it points at the connector on the device, there is little you can do with this to be honest, changing the connector is simply not viable, what happens is the contact pins become slightly bent resulting in no contact between the mount and the device - Mike
Thanks for the reply mike.

The 3.22v is at the battery connect on the board without the battery attached. I think it's the charge up voltage. Would it still be the connect at fault as I do get voltage into the unit & even the green led is lit
The LED indicator is no real indication the device is charging, I still think the connector on the unit is at fault to be honest - Mike

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