My 710 has started to cause me issues. Lately is hasn't been charging using either the incar charger or desktop charger. I've had this unit for several years, I thought it was the battery so I bought a new 1.
This hasn't cleared the problem.
I've taken the tomtom apart, and taken some voltage readings.
At the dock I read 5.12v. Disconnecting the battery I read 3.22v at the battery connector on the board. So by looking at that I thought the battery would charge. But looking at the screen during charging it doesn't show it's charging only that the battery is flat.
Just did an overnight charge but still the same.
Does anybody have any ideas on how I could find the issue/damaged part & repair it myself.
This hasn't cleared the problem.
I've taken the tomtom apart, and taken some voltage readings.
At the dock I read 5.12v. Disconnecting the battery I read 3.22v at the battery connector on the board. So by looking at that I thought the battery would charge. But looking at the screen during charging it doesn't show it's charging only that the battery is flat.
Just did an overnight charge but still the same.
Does anybody have any ideas on how I could find the issue/damaged part & repair it myself.