I'm having a problem with my Go 510. A couple of weeks ago it wouldn't turn on. I thought it might be the battery. It wouldn't turn on while on the charger which I thought sounded less like the battery but I thought I'd try a replacement battery anyway since that's a known source of problems.
I replaced the battery and it still doesn't turn on. After I put the new battery in it did work initially so I thought I solved the problem. I left it turned on overnight while it was on the charger and this morning it was off and wouldn't turn back on. No green power light either.
I saw a thread that suggested a pin reset - which didn't work.
It's almost two years old so it's probably out of warranty. Any idea's of where to look now? Is it toast?
I replaced the battery and it still doesn't turn on. After I put the new battery in it did work initially so I thought I solved the problem. I left it turned on overnight while it was on the charger and this morning it was off and wouldn't turn back on. No green power light either.
I saw a thread that suggested a pin reset - which didn't work.
It's almost two years old so it's probably out of warranty. Any idea's of where to look now? Is it toast?