Formatting Corrupt TomTom One

Jul 1, 2007
I have a TomTom One third edition that has been acting flacky when connecting to TomTom Home. For example, I can't make a backup and the updates sometimes fail with missing files. When I tried making a manual backup of the TomTom files by copying them in explorer, some of the log files in the statdata directory and one the radar files were corrupt and couldn't be copied.

I wonder if this is a sign that internal flash disk is corrupt. My questions is, can I just format the TomTom and copy the backup files back over again?

The other problem is that it seems to be impossible to copy the microbrowser directory. The files inside all have strange names and I suppose this is some kind of system directory that can't be copied?

I just ran chkdsk on the TomTom drive and it reported this:

C:\Documents and Settings\Ben>chkdsk e:
The type of the file system is FAT.
Volume Serial Number is 667B-60F0
Windows is verifying files and folders...
Windows found errors on the disk, but will not fix them
because disk checking was run without the /F (fix) parameter.
Unrecoverable error in folder \microbrowser.
Convert folder to file (Y/N)? ^C

Should I try and fix this? It sounds scary...
Just make sure that your map folder is backed up. The rest of the software is free from TomTom, but not the map!

I would try fixing the internal problem. Reformat it if you have to.

If worse comes to worse and the internal memory craps out, you can still run the unit off of an SD card.
I think you're right on that point. It gets confusing with Version 3 and Third Version not being the same thing. Anyway, this must be a very new unit and still under warranty.

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