Fm transimitter

Jan 3, 2008
How do you guys find the fm transmitter. Are you having problems with it does it work good for you. Do you think you need a accessories to boost the signal like a fm transmitter.
How do you guys find the fm transmitter. Are you having problems with it does it work good for you. Do you think you need a accessories to boost the signal like a fm transmitter.
I think they could do with a few more milliwatts of power. My 720 is located on the front dash, and the car antenna system is in the rear window. There are times near lights and power lines where the signal gets a bit noisy, and heaven help me if I turn on the rear window defroster. Most people are evidently happy enough with the transmit power, but my installation makes what they're putting out seem a bit marginal. I really doubt it's the full 100mW of power that TT is allowed here in the U.S.

As for turning it on, you got the right answer, above. When you go to your settings, it's several screens back to the Speaker options. You can set the direction information (I think that's what you're asking about) and the media player options separately. I'd set both to FM, and try to find a decent frequency for it.

If you're in a major metro area, the problem gets worse. Dial around first and see if you can get lucky and find 3 channels in a row (e.g., 102.9, 103.1, 103.3) that are pretty vacant, or have only very faint stations. Pick the middle one (e.g., 103.1 in the above example) for least interference.

If you get stuck with just two adjacent empty channels, park yourself nearer the weaker of the two stations.

If you can't find any but single channels open (stations on both sides), you'll just have to grab the channel with the weakest neighbors and hope for the best.

Here in the Denver area, just about every other channel is occupied, and as you move around the city, the propagation changes, and I actually use both 93.1 and 103.1 at different times. PITA, and probably necessitated by the weak signal I seem to be receiving from my 720 at the rear window. Whatever happened to good, old fashioned "stick" antenna designs??? They're still the best option. Guess the designers think they can save 0.000001 miles per gallon by dumping them. Or perhaps the industrial design teams just don't think they're sexy enough...

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