FM frequency transmitter in 930

Sep 7, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
The FM frequency transmitter in 930.

Besides the digital fm radio in your car.

Can it transmit to any digital fm radio if you can choose a empty frequency ?


I do not have my 930 yet so I will make an effort to answer. The FM transmitter is much like some of the units that are available mp3 players, etc. They transmit on the frequency you set and any radio would be able to receive the signal if in range. I use a tiny fm transmitter designed for my car to transmit my mp3's through my surround system in the den. If this is not correct I am sure someone will let us know.
It won't transmit to a digital radio though, it will only use analogue FM. In use you have to have the music/ mp3 player active to get the navigation instructions heard via the FM Tx, the way around this stupid restriction is to install a silent mp3 track to the device and set it to loop continually - Mike
Re: Tom Tom 930 fm transmitter.

Aren't most modern cars have digital radio ? The radio frequency are tuned to the digits of the frequency.
Can use the Tom Tom 930 to play mp3 on an unsed station frequency, right?

I thought analogue is the olden type of radio where you turn the knob to tune the frequency ?



It won't transmit to a digital radio though, it will only use analogue FM. In use you have to have the music/ mp3 player active to get the navigation instructions heard via the FM Tx, the way around this stupid restriction is to install a silent mp3 track to the device and set it to loop continually - Mike
No DAB or "Digital Audio Broadcast" is nothing like the FM system which can be tuned using either a digital display or rotary knob to select the frequency.

DAB is a high quality system which the TomTom cannot access (yet) so if you have a DABreceiver in the car the TomTom cannot use it, your car is probably fitted with a normal FM radio that the TomTom can use as very few cars are equipped with DAB devices as yet

If your car has an FM radio then it will be able to tune the TomTom FM Tx to the correct frequency so you can hear the mp3/ nav instructions from the device - Mike

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