Fewer instructions? (XXL)

Jun 27, 2010
Cheshire, UK
TomTom Model(s)
Maybe it's just me - I can't find anyone else asking about this - but I'm getting a little irked by the level of instructions provided by my XXL.

For example, on a main road I will get an "exit ahead" message about 2 miles from the exit, then I will get "after 800 yards take the exit" message and then just as I arrive at the exit I get "take the exit". I only need one (ideally the middle one) - not all three.

This becomes even more frustrating if I have two directions changes within a short distance as I get warned about both of them "turn left and then turn right" for example.

Is there anyway to reduce the amount of information provided by a voice? Are there reduced content voices available? I couldn't live with turning the volume down as I'd miss the traffic camera alerts, besides I do actually want some spoken prompts - just not so many.

Any ideas welcomed.
Go to voice preferences and select the same computer voice.

After that you'll be presented with a list of things situations to enable/disable speech.

One option (I forget the exact wording) is to enable/disable early warning of turns. If you disable that it will speak less.
Go to voice preferences and select the same computer voice.

After that you'll be presented with a list of things situations to enable/disable speech.

One option (I forget the exact wording) is to enable/disable early warning of turns. If you disable that it will speak less.
Thank you both for responding.

I dont have a "Voice Preferences" button, only a "Change Voice" option. I've tried using this option to reselect the voice I currently use, but that doesn't offer me any options other than "Test" and "Select", when I choose Select it just activates the voice - no additional options.

I used to have an old v6 PDA version of TomTom and that allowed me to do what your second suggestion said - something along the lines of "reduced guidance", but I think that's gone the way of auto zoom on the XXL - i.e. its gone.
If you have a version 2 model, it comes with 'EasyMenu' and many fewer user options...........
Just been reading the EasyMenu thread - I have most of the options people talk about having lost as a result of EasyMenu, so presuming I dont have a version 2 model. My XXL is 2 months old - just run the System Information tool from HOME and it doesn't have anything like a version number for the device. Lots of version numbers for other things - but not the device.
When you first boot up the machine, do you have just 2 icons on your screen or do you get a full set of at least 2 main screeen pages and 5 pages of preferences?
Change the voice to something else and then change it again to the voice you want. It should prompt you for additional options as suggested by mvl.

I've tried this as well, and unfortuntely, it doesn't offer me any options. I also don't have the "Voice Preferences" option that I've seen in the EasyMenu sticky thread at the head of the forum - tempted to try the TomTom.mnu file and see if it appears.

When you first boot up the machine, do you have just 2 icons on your screen or do you get a full set of at least 2 main screeen pages and 5 pages of preferences?

I have 2 "Main Menu" pages and 6 "Preferences" pages - so I guess that's not the EasyMenu.
Bit the bullet and loaded the .MNU file provided in the EasyMenu thread at the top of this forum category.
It worked a treat and "unlocked" the "Voice Preferences" button for me.
That was where I found the "Read Early Warning Instructions" option - which prevents the voice from giving the first instruction I mentioned originally "Ahead take the exit" for example.

Look like it's not just EasyMenu TomToms that suffer from lost menu options.

Thanks all for you help.
That is strange.

On the XXL (with app 9.051), you should be able to do:
menu -> change preferences -> next -> change voice -> choose a computer voice -> select

Then the voice preferences should show up.
I'm using HOME v2.7.5.2014 and my device tells me I'm running APP v9.053.520930.103

I did a couple of compare/contrast videos and posted them to UT...

YouTube - Tomtom menu demo
This first one is the standard menu system on my Tomtom and what happens when I change the voice

YouTube - Tomtom custom menu
This second one is the EasyMenu bypass .MNU file, showing the Voice Preferences option.
Ahh.. I see the difference from your video. The UK XXL models don't have text-to-speech.

The voices preferences page only shows up after choosing a text-so-speech voice.

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