Does the new Traffic feature interrupt your use of your cell phone as a phone?

Sep 29, 2017
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
GO620 GO2405,
Yes i own two older tomtom's but have a third car that currently does not have a GPS. Yesterday I drove from home in Connecticut to Boston and used Google Maps on my iphone 5s. The phone got very hot and I had to turn back on the google maps after I used the phone. My point is that I like having the phone and gps separate. With live traffic now being provided by my cell phone will the traffic info show up on my phone? Or via Bluetooth, will my phone just be a conduit for the traffic info that will show up only on the new the TomTom's?
Traffic can be provided on GO500/600, using your cell phones Data plan.

With Traffic enabled on Mobile GO on your cell phone it can be just as hot, if not hotter than Google maps.
They are working on it to reduce that but when?
The above is for Android. Maybe another user can tell us about her/his experiences with an iPhone.

Welcome to TomTomForums.
Traffic can be viewed on your cell phone if you like if you manually bring up the MyDrive app on your phone. Even when the MyDrive app is not visibly up as an app, it operates in the background as a BT traffic conduit, as you say.

Again, either MyDrive or Google, when brought to the fore, will be redrawing the map constantly and will keep the screen lit all the time, which are the two functions where the majority of the heat comes from. There shouldn't be much difference. The Bluetooth component adds a negligible amount of power use compared to those other functions.
Thanks for your replies.
My goal is to have my phone NOT impacted by having TomTom Traffic running on it. I want GPS and traffic on one device and have the phone on another. (I am old guy who doesn't multi task well.)

I read your comments as saying phone will probably still get very hot but I won't see or hear the traffic on it unless I chose to. Let know if I misunderstand your comments.
And I guess I can just not use/turn off the live traffic/GO Mobile on my cell. And turn it (or WAZE) on if I get stuck in traffic. Maybe just buy a cheaper and or older TomTom......Thanks for helping me think through this.
I think we haven't fully answered your question. Using your phone for TT traffic in no way prevents you from using the phone as a phone in any other way, and the only impact is a small amount of data received each minute that is then sent over to your TomTom device. You don't even need to open the TomTom app for it to work. As long as the Bluetooth is set up in advance, you'll never know it's happening except for a little icon in the corner of your phone's screen.
Thank you Canderson. That makes sense and therefore I should buy a newer TomTom with traffic feature.

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