does Itinerary continue to next??

Sep 26, 2010
Coquitlam BC
TomTom Model(s)
Go Live1535
Getting ready to use Itinerary feature, If I have three address's in, and and have it saved and ready for use.. Does it go to to the first address, announce your arrival, and then continue onto to the second address.??.
Or do you have to stop and press buttons on the 630 tom tom, to get it going again??

My elderly family member will be using this device soon, and she has no time or effort to be functioning thew device,, she just wants to follow it along for the address I have programmed in, but have not experimented with it yet to see what happens after the first arrival........ I'm hoping the 630 will announce arrival,, and then adjust itself for second address destination automatically..
Ok the results are back.. Terrible../ Failure

At the end of the first trip ( out of three)., The device just stayed on the map,.. even after completion .. It is always best too, to go into the menu and clear the old route .. as the first map ( after completion,) still showed the old route 'arrows' ? ....
But to 'find ' the second on the itinerary? Might as well have just left the three locations as .. Favorites and gone into 'favorites' to retrieve each one manually.. ?? , instead of all the time spent developing a working Itinerary ... :(

I really wanted this itinerary to just 'flow along' 'one after another' where one is completed .... autostart would find and start the second one when the first was completed..

Are all the other GPS companies (Garmin/ Magdalene/Onstar etc) all have the same type of 'poor programing' for this one type application I decribed and wished for in a consumer GPS??

I know that Tom Tom got a 9.9 out of ten for better/best..
I wonder if the failure of - .1 was this defuncto Itinerary ap??
But to 'find ' the second on the itinerary? Might as well have just left the three locations as .. Favorites and gone into 'favorites' to retrieve each one manually.. ?? , instead of all the time spent developing a working Itinerary ... :(

When you want to go to the second destination, go back to the itinerary screen and it should ask if you want to route to the next stop.

Are all the other GPS companies (Garmin/ Magdalene/Onstar etc) all have the same type of 'poor programing' for this one type application I decribed and wished for in a consumer GPS??

My only other experience is with a Honda/Acura Factory GPS. The itinerary planner on that model is fantastic. It will sort itineraries to choose the best sequence if you ask it to. And when you start the car after arriving at your prior stop, it asks if you want to go to your next destination and all you have to to is tap yes.

Itinerary planning is a feature that isn't in many GPS models. But where other brands have it, they tend to do a much better job on it than Tomtom.
The problem may in part be one of proximity to the waypoint. There is some (undefined) distance within which the TomTom will account a waypoint as "achieved". If you don't get that close, it will continue to try to put you there. I've never quite been able to figure out what that distance is.

I gave up on outguessing my units when it came to this feature, and just delete each point from the "working" copy of itinerary (it doesn't change the one stored on the unit) as I reach them. It then asks if we want to move on to the next.

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