Does it have Itinerary planning>

Mar 9, 2009
Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

It has been awhile since I have posted here other than to reply to requests for the TomTom shade pattern.

Tiger Direct has a deal on a Tom Tom XXL530S. My question is, does it have itinerary planning? I can't seem to find out on the TomTom site. Is there a list somewhere that shows which ones have this feature?

Thanks for your replies and help. :) :)

Yes, it does.

Those that do not support it are the entire ONE series (except for the old One LE and 140/140S) the new Start/Ease models.
A Frieslander in Ontario? You're going to need that GPS!

Was just looking at Tiger's prices on a refurbished 630. Also pretty good.

LOL yes but I am not lost, have lived in Ontario since the 1950's, came here when I was 8 years old.

Yes the 630 price is good also but it is a 4.3' same as my old One XL S (refurbished and bought 2 years ago from Tiger Direct). That one has the itinerary planning on it too. I use TYRE (developed by a Frieslander, Boersma) to plan my routes on Google Maps.

The XXL530 S is a 5.0" and the refurbished price is $119 Canadian, cheaper than what I paid for the One XL S. If I decide to get it I will sell the One XL S on Kijiji like I did my first one. This is way cheaper than getting new maps all the time.

Thanks again

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