Do I really have the 920T?

Apr 14, 2008
I bought my new TomTom this afternoon.

I'm trying to get TMC radio connections with no luck (I'm in the Detroit Metro area)

The screens on my TomTom just say "Go 920". The fine print on the bottom of my unit also only say "GO 920."

Does anyone with a 920T have anything different. I'm trying to see if for some reason I got a 920 in a 920T box. (I don't want to freak out and go back to the store until I figure this out.

So, if your unit says "GO920T" near the serial number or maybe it says that on the data screen where you find your software version please let me know.
I don't think the unit is going to specify the "T." The traffic version just means that the unit came with the "100$" radio antenna to receive traffic updates.

The older software (prior to 7.48x) allowed you to manually select or change the radio station that you are trying to receive the traffic data from. With 7.48X it's more automatic. If you are seeing an icon show up in the upper right corner, and your tomtom is acknowledging connection of your traffic antenna, then everything should be working.

FYI... bottom of my 920(T) says Go920(4m00.900) and the Device ID says it is AK9A8 A2BUS.
Sly is right on. I'll add only that Magellan does the same thing. A Magellan RoadMate 3050T is actually a Magellan RoadMate 3000 with a traffic adapter and antenna in the box. As I see it, the extra $100 you pay (Magellan or TomTom) is not just for the antenna, it's for the service infrastructure and software too.
If all replies above did not help, I would suggest that you validate your MyTomTom Account and Device information Online and then call Tom Tom Support Team (usually we know and have better & first hand information about our device related issues /questions compared to TT support Team considering they are following pre-written script, but you never know ):

If you have not already, do the following before you call TT Support for sanity check:
1. Check your MyTomTomLogin Account works & ensure you can login to your MyTomTomLogin page

2. Once you Login into MyToTomLogin, go to ?MyTomTom Device? under ?MyTomTom Page?

3. Select the appropriate TT Device Type (All-In-One-Nav) & Model (eg: TT GO920) & Enter your Device Code (click on the here link to get the Code from your device).

Once entire steps above are validated??.. Call TT Support on 866-486-6866?. TT Support Team will confirm if your Device is a GO920 OR GO920T.
the 920 and the 920T are identical!
There is nothing different between them except one comes with the TMC receiver in the box.
The "T" was added to identify the box had an accessory. That is all.
So I have a 920T and when my parents buy the 920 from Costco, I can just let them use my antenna and they would essentially have a "T" model?
I live in the detroit metro area too, and have the 920T. I just plugged it in outside and took about 5 minutes and it started working.

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