Disk full?

Nov 23, 2007
Last night I hooked up my TomTom One to my Mac to update the GPS quick fix thing. It all looked like normal until I got an error that said "Disk full.\" The slash is not a typo. That was actually part of the message. It would not perform any map updates because the first part of the update failed.

The thing is, the disk is not full. I've got over 80 MB of free space left. TTH says that the quick fix and map corrections that I need should total no more than 0.2 MB. Just to make sure that the disk wasn't full, I went in and deleted a couple voices that I didn't want anymore, anyway, then tried again. Got the same error. Tried to update TTH (it told me there was an update available earlier and I told it to update later), and TTH crashed out. Went to the TT website and downloaded the latest version for the Mac and installed it. Tried to update the TT again. Same error.

Any ideas or similar stories from anyone else?

I have a TomTom One 130-S. I use TTH for the Mac also. After a couple of weeks of using it I'm getting used to it's "weirdness". The 130-S has only 1GB of storage so you have to be very judicious about what you save to it.

Anyway, I have seen a similar error when adding images for startup and shutdown. With 15MB free I sometimes cannot add images so small that the size is listed as "tiny". After a couple of tries (disconnect, then reconnect) it usually works.
Not sure this will help, but I remember reading sometime ago where a user emptied his recycle bin on his computer (does Mac have one of these?). After that, he didn't get the 'disk full\' error anymore. HOME then worked fine and he was able to update his TT.

Just a thought.
I am not failure with the Mac, but 80 mb does not sound like very much space on anything these days. The error happens on windows when the disk is pretty full, and users think they have enough room - but don't.

Free up some more space. It is usually a good idea to have at least 10% free (for system file caching, etc).

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