Destination Names

Oct 13, 2011
Hi- Newbie here
I've got the XXL 530.S model
I'm beginning to accumulate a bunch of destinations, many of which I use when on business trips- the problem is the specific street and number don't always bring to mind the place I want to go, such as Charlie's office, which is not named that way; Is there a way to RENAME the destination to make it more personally identifiable?

Appreciate any help!
You mean as a favourite?

If so, in the naming of the favourite screen, just call it (for example) 123 Main St-Charlies office.

If you just call it Charlie's Office, that's what appears on the map, not the address.
Save your destinations as Favourites , or better still, create one or more POI categories (Work, Family, Friends etc.) to store them in.
Then you can call them whatever you like when you create them, and you can also rename them at a later date if you need to.

It's all there in the menus.:cool:

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