delete certain destinations

May 6, 2012
New York
TomTom Model(s)
One XL
Hello i am new here. I could use some help with my Tom Tom One XL. My husband and I have been sitting here trying to figure out how to delete certain destination and addresses we do not want on the Tom Tom. thank you for your time
One of the many dumb designs by the TomTom development team in that you can only delete all of them, you can't select only some to delete.

One workaround on some models is to do the following:
1. Manage favourites
2. Add favourite-->from recent destination.
3. Do step two repeatedly for the ones (recent destinations) you want to keep and then .....
4. Delete all recent destinations.
Thank you for your response, yes it is poor engineering. We have decided to write down the ones we are going to keep,delete all & start over.:thumb:
For what it's worth, can you take a couple of minutes to call CS at 866-486-6866 and ask for it as an enhancement (selective deletion).

The more that complain, the more the chance TT might finally get their act together.
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866-386-6866 is wrong number

BTW- the number you quoted is wrong. I just called it to ask for the enhancement and a gentelman answered saying this was not a tech number nor does it have anything to do with TomTom (sorry).
Thank you! calling now - the favorites did work for me. Still would like that options on the recent destination list however.
Unless you really have privacy issues, I've never understood why people feel the need to delete any of their "recent destinations" it's not like they take up any room on the unit, and they were never designed to be used again and again regularly... that's what the Favourites and POIs are there for.
I think a lot of people use them as pseudo-Favorites, and are trying to get rid of the clutter of places they won't be visiting regularly.

Then there's the other group who are worried that their spouse might check the list :lol:

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