Creating an itinerary for non-stop riding

Apr 14, 2009
I want to create an Itinerary that has "WayPoints" that I don't have to mark as "Visited" . . . any ideas or work-arounds?

I am creating the itinerary with waypoints in order to force my Rider-2 to calculate a specific route which is neither the fastest nor the shortest to my destination. The problem is that I don't want to stop my bike and go through the menus after each waypoint in order to mark them as visited.

I am a new TomTom user so if I am missing something, please excuse my ignorance. :)

... Just realised, having read some other posts on the subject, that the TT should mark each waypoint as visited automatically. . . .
Does anyone know how close you need to be to a defined waypoint for this to happen?
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I have a Rider2 as well. I have never yet manually marked a waypoint as "visited" and cant say how far past a point you have to travel before it automatically marks it as visited. I suspect it is as soon as you actually pass it.

Not really a helpful answer perhaps, but the best I can do for now.... :)

Ia new TomTom user so if I am missing something, please excuse my ignorance. :)

... Just realised, having read some other posts on the subject, that the TT should mark each waypoint as visited automatically. . . .
Does anyone know how close you need to be to a defined waypoint for this to happen?

After you passing through the yellow flag.
Please note that there will be NO alert of waypoint at all.
I asked TomTom support how close you need to be to a be to a defined waypoint for it to be marked as visited automatically . . .
The response was:
One must pass by the waypoint for it to be marked as visited ,at least within a 20 metre range of the GPS co-ordinates.
it is possible that the waypoint co-ordinates vary depending on the quality of the GPS signal.

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