convert street atlas files? Other way to plan triips?

May 26, 2009
I am disappointed I cannot actually plan a trip with my tomtom like I can with my street atlas.
We have used SA for years to route and plan trips with all the stops and vias and then used the laptop to guide us. We find the tomtom software woefully inadequate. Is there a way to convert SA files? If not, is there some supporting software that will let one plan trips with chosen roads and stops?
The Go models and One XL have Itinerary Planning which does the job. You didn't say what model you have.
I have TTR2. And i did search the forums but either SA is not addressed or I missed it. I did find and download tyre and find it functional but primitive. I was mapping and got an error where it could not find directions between waypoints. I narrowed it down to a 1 mile section of road that the program just could not find its way across!! I guess for share ware it is as good as it gets.

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