Compensation for 'Map of USA v_8.15' subscription?

Feb 9, 2009
Arizona, USA
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom 125
I got a strange email titled "Compensation for 'Map of USA v_8.15' subscription" ( I called and asked for the latest map guarantee recently for my new GPS).

The text reads:

Due to a technical reasons, '' has been temporarily unavailable. To compensate for this inconvenience we have granted you a compensation product of the same subscription. This compensation product will give you access to your subscription for an additional period (equal to the duration of the outage) at the end of your normal subscription.

Map of USA v_8.15 USD 79,95
Compensation discount - USD 79,95
Total USD 0,00

Best regards,

Anyone know what this means??? :confused:
Thanks that makes sense. It threw me off because it came a lot later than talk to the TomTom Support and getting approval to the latest map update.
Not the way I read it. Adding an "additional period after the subscription" indicates they , in error, think he has a map subscription he was not able to take advantage of, or some services he was entitled to were temporarily unavailable. There may in fact be a new map in his account, but either he received the wrong "form letter" or the OP has (or they think he has) a European map subscription.

Or perhaps buying a new map now gets you a year's subscription when they finally announce it.;)
I just checked my TomTom Home and there is no new update.

Arrgh, I'm a bit peeved.

I called at 11am MST today to ask for the latest map. Version 8.25 was out today. But support gave me 8.15 instead. :(

I'm going to call back tomorrow and see if I can get 8.25. If I can't, looks like I'll return this unit to the retailer (tomorrow's the last day for return). :( Why couldn't they have made it easy for their customers like me to get the latest map??
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I've long since deleted my email, but I got one that seems quite similar when I used LMG to get my v815. Of course, I had to call in to get it because TT Home said I had the latest, even though I didn't. So maybe when you upgrade with LMG by calling, it is just something they do?


I would think that they might, with a nice request, give you the 8.25 if they released it today and you got LMG to 8.15, also today. Now, had you got it yesterday, that might be a whole different story.

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