Compass malfunctioning after update

Aug 3, 2008
Just recently did an update through the Tom Tom Home software-- which I've done many times before--but this is the first time it's actually screwed with the functionality of the device. What the hell happened to the compass?! I thought it was my imagination at first, but now it seems:
1) The compass is smaller and there are no "options" like before for adding the direction symbols or degree markers, nor to set the orientation.
2) The little arrow moves around, but it points in the wrong direction. If I'm heading east it points west!

I've had to resort to adding the heading in degrees as an extra line in the informational panel (forcing me to drop something else like "car speed" since I was maxing out the # of lines allowed.

This is ridiculous. Has anybody else noticed this? And if so, is there a fix?
With the new 8.10 update....the compass always points north....thats either choose to show the compass or not show the compass.

Your only choice would be to reinstall your application to the earlier version.

PSJ aka Marc

This is ridiculous. Has anybody else noticed this? And if so, is there a fix?

Yes, we all know that ....... that NavCore 8 has changed the way the compass looks and functions and
Yes, we all know that ....... that the compass is working fine, nothing wrong with it, just always points North as what the compass should do.

Is there a fix?
Yes, re-instated NavCore 7.
New Compass

I also am really upset that the compass has been changed. Does anyone know how to get back to V7 of the software? TT was no help. They will not assist. I tried simply copying files over from a V7 TT but that didn't work. The old compass allowed you put off turning onto a side street if you see that your destination was still ahead of you and that maybe a more major street could be used. The new compass points North only. This would be good if you were going to the North Pole. Besides my vehicle has a regular compass built in. Instead of our old compass we get to choose different graphics for our vehicle! I'll take the old compass back, thanks.
I also am really upset that the compass has been changed. Does anyone know how to get back to V7 of the software? TT was no help. They will not assist. I tried simply copying files over from a V7 TT but that didn't work. The old compass allowed you put off turning onto a side street if you see that your destination was still ahead of you and that maybe a more major street could be used. The new compass points North only. This would be good if you were going to the North Pole. Besides my vehicle has a regular compass built in. Instead of our old compass we get to choose different graphics for our vehicle! I'll take the old compass back, thanks.

It seems you do have a backup of your unit with Navcore 7.x installed. I hope it was made with Explorer, not TTHome.

In any event, make a complete backup of your current unit using Explorer. Make sure hidden files/foders are showing, as are extensions for known file types.

Now then, using Explorer, delete all files in the root of your unit. NO folders, just the loose files.

Then, use Explorer and copy all loose files from the root of your backup to the root of the unit. You may need a pin reset.

If that is a no go, try downloading Navcore 7.221 from this link: (3rd link on site). Unzip the files and, again, copy to the root of the unit.

If you go that route, you should be offered 7.481 as an upgrade when you launch Home. Accept it. But, when THAT is installed, Home'll offer you an update to N8.010. Do NOT accept that.
Thanks for the replies. I don't understand why TT would take a feature that works perfectly fine and render it non-functional. That's really sad. I guess I'll just continue to use the "degrees" bearing on the info-panel and shut the compass altogether. The bright side--if I can call it that--will be that I'll gain a modicum of screen real estate sans compass....
Nobody understands that, TT group tends to improve on one thing but screw on the other. I personally don't mind the new compass functionality of pointing North, but I just don't like the look. The Quick Menu on my GO920 is almost 4 time bigger than the tiny little compass. It just seems unedaquate.
PianoCM Compass

I loved the old navcore 7 compass as well. On a some what different note, I have a new 920 and noticed your post infered that you had ver 8 maps installed. I purchased my 920 last week and Tomtom CS says the most recent maps I can have are the 7.2 ver of North American and Europe.
I loved the old navcore 7 compass as well. On a some what different note, I have a new 920 and noticed your post infered that you had ver 8 maps installed. I purchased my 920 last week and Tomtom CS says the most recent maps I can have are the 7.2 ver of North American and Europe.

That is correct. The official latest map for x20 units is indedd NA 7.20. For a while there, users were able to download and install version 8 maps on x20 units by submitting that they indeed had x30 units. However, TomTom stopped that loophole a couple of weeks ago.

There was some feeling that TT would make V8 maps available sometime in August for x20 units; however, they have since extended the sale of maps beyond the July 31st date. Therefore V8 map availability may be delayed.

In your case, since you have 30 days from first logging into TT using Home, I'd wait till about day 25 or day 26 and see if V8 maps are available for the 920. If so, you ARE entitled to it. If not, well maybe keep checking each day till day 30 since it's highly unlikely that there will be a map NA 7.25 distributed.
Compass Fix????

I just updated my TomTom 920T yesterday after my last update in November of '07. I immediately observed, as you all have already, that the compass feature that used to point towards my destination now always points to the North. I feel that this was one of the best features of TomTom if you are dealing with heavy traffic on surface streets!!!!

Well, in looking at the TomTom backup folder on my computer I see that folder had 3 copies of the 7.x software version, and only one 8.x software version. My question is if I remove the 8.x software version from the two TomTom folders (there are actually 3 but only two had the software versions in them) and then do a restore will it restore version 7.x back to my TomTom????? I am hesitant to do this in fear I may turn my TomTom into a paperweight.

Any information or suggestions you can provide are appreciated. Thanks!

Backup your unit using Explorer, not Home. Make sure hidden files/folders are showing as well as extensions for known file types.

Now, use Explorer and restore all loose files in the root of your most recent backup (not folders, just the files) into the root of your unit.

That should get you back to Navcore 7x firmware.
Compass Fix???

Thanks TomTom Elilte!

Just want to make sure that when I use Explorer to back up my device I am just copying everything (select all/copy) to another folder on my PC, correct (showing all files, hidden and not)?

Thanks again!

Yes, you want all files to show. Even those which are normally hidden. Copy everything from your unit to a folder on your hard drive. This is your 'safety net'.

Now, delete the loose files but NO folders in the root of your unit.

Then, copy the loose files from the root of your BACKUP (the one you had prior to the 'safety net' one) to the root of your unit.

Restart your unit.
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Thought I was going crazy, I knew the compass options were there yesterday! Anyway, I'm glad I found this forum or I think I would have ended up in a funny farm. I really liked the compass options, although I guess I'll have to live with what I get!
Thought I was going crazy, I knew the compass options were there yesterday! Anyway, I'm glad I found this forum or I think I would have ended up in a funny farm. I really liked the compass options, although I guess I'll have to live with what I get!

There is some feeling the next firmware update after 8.010 (whenever that comes) will bring back much of the functionality of the N7 compass.

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