Cannot set a place online on the map

May 12, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Android Go
I cannot add a place online to my map by clicking or touching the location. When I try, it puts the favourite at random places about ¼ mile away. If I try again, it picks another random location.

I have tried logging this with TomTom technical support but they haven't got a clue and have no wish to help me. ( I think I may have been talking to a very poorly programmed robot)

I hope someone on this forum understands the problem and can advise me how to fix it
This is normal with the new Tomtom plan if you select a place on the map it sends you to a house number closest to your selected place.
I wouldn't mind if it did that but sometimes it's half a street and 20 houses away. If I try a large building like a hotel as I did recently, it's nowhere near. I used to be able to pick exactly where I wanted, such as a hotel entrance. This is a huge downgrade of fuctionality
Thanks Willy875. I've been there. I'm glad I'm not the only one. TomTom help made me feel it was something I was doing wrong. They were clearly just fobbing me off because they know it's their fault.

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