Cannot See 920 Screen Due to Sunlight

Jul 29, 2008
Just purchased Go 920 and beyond all the hype and 1001 things its supposed to do its basically useless visually during daylight hours because of glare. I have it set to the brightest display and I tried the so-called "Clear View" color overlay-nothing helps. I am horrified. What's the good of all the features this unit has if YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING??? I noticed that even when its overcast the screen is still pretty faded. It works great when you're travelling beneath an overpass though!

Is there any solution to this? Am I the only person in the world experiencing this? I used to have a Lowrance 1-way 500 whose screen was twice as large as Tomtom's and the display was crystal clear in the brightest sunshine. Had to shelve it though because the touchscreen became hit and miss.

Please help.
I had the XL-S at the time, bought the 920 for few major reasons and these were 2 of them. One, "up to 5 hours" battery life and two, anti-glare/clear view or whatever screen.
Honestly, one, battery life (of the 920) lasts about 2 or 2 1/2 hours :( that's bad. And two, under bright sunshine, there is NO difference whatsoever between the non-antiglare XL-S screen and well-advertised anti-glare GO920 screen. :(:(:(
I was not VERY happy but I let it go ......... since noone ever complaining, I tend to blame myself for .......... my eye-sight problem :D
Just purchased Go 920 and beyond all the hype and 1001 things its supposed to do its basically useless visually during daylight hours because of glare. I have it set to the brightest display and I tried the so-called "Clear View" color overlay-nothing helps. I am horrified. What's the good of all the features this unit has if YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING??? I noticed that even when its overcast the screen is still pretty faded. It works great when you're travelling beneath an overpass though!

Is there any solution to this? Am I the only person in the world experiencing this? I used to have a Lowrance 1-way 500 whose screen was twice as large as Tomtom's and the display was crystal clear in the brightest sunshine. Had to shelve it though because the touchscreen became hit and miss.

Please help.

Have you tried a different color scheme? Sometimes that helps. Good luck!
unfortunately, the anti glare isn't the greatest.
It also depends on where you place the unit.

When I had my unit on the mid-windshield, I did experience. I moved it to the top/bottom left corner and it improved.
Now I use a proclip which is next to my stereo unit. :D
It is amazing the TomTom has not improved their screens from earlier versions. My 910 is a tad brighter then the newer units.

You might try a high contrast color scheme like "france-palette-de-couleur" (which is a free download), plus try to find a mounting location that avaids direct sun.

Mine is on the dash in a bright spot, but a sunshade like "Glare-Stomper" along with the above color scheme makes it usable.

I do not think I will buy another TomTom unless they get with it on the screen brightness. They do get a few bright sunny days over there at their headquarters (in between a lot of cloudy/rainy days), so it should not be an unknown situation to them.
I didn't like the glare on my TT either. I thought about getting one of these shades:


I decided instead to move my TT to the upper left corner of my windshield so the roof of the car will provide shade for the screen. The cable to the TT (from the cigarette lighter) just reaches as I route it around the rear view mirror and above the visor to the unit.

Also... no one can see the suction cup if I happen to leave it stuck on the wind shield. That area of the windshield is tinted. :D
The one thing I dislike about the Go920 is the lack of screen brightness, there are times when it is totally worthless for me. However, I did find the following scheme works best, and I continue to try every bright screen I can find.


255,255,255 // background
255,255,255 // built-up area (city)
109,150,199 // water solid
051,153,102 // park
204,255,204 // woodland
245,248,202 // beach/dune/sand
255,255,255 // industrial zone
225,225,225 // harbor/marina
209,216,084 // moor/heath
209,216,084 // marsh
150,204,214 // pedestrian zone
192,192,192 // airport
255,255,255 // runway
000,000,000 // route background ('below' the road)
000,000,255 // route foreground (on top of the road)
255,000,000 // blocked road (dotted on top of any road)
255,255,000 // traffic jam (dotted on top of any road)
247,246,050 // highlighted / selected (line on top of any road)
255,255,153 // unreachable / not allowed to drive (dotted on top of any road)
255,000,000 // motorway solid
102,000,000 // motorway edge
255,000,000 // motorway inside
000,000,000 // motorway text
153,000,000 // major/international road solid
153,000,000 // major/international road edge
255,000,000 // international road inside
255,000,000 // major road inside
000,000,000 // major road text
255,000,000 // secondary road small
255,000,000 // secondary road solid
051,102,255 // secondary road edge
051,102,255 // secondary road inside
000,000,000 // secondary road text
255,000,000 // connecting road small
255,000,000 // connecting road solid
102,000,000 // connecting road edge
000,000,255 // connecting road inside
000,000,000 // connecting road text
255,000,000 // (major)local road small
051,102,255 // major local road solid
051,102,255 // local road solid
000,255,255 // local/destination road edge
051,102,255 // local/destination road inside
000,000,000 // local road text
051,102,255 // destination road solid
000,000,000 // destination road text
028,049,147 // ferry background
239,238,238 // ferry dots
000,000,000 // ferry text
022,010,103 // railroad dashed A
255,102,000 // railroad dashed B
028,049,147 // water edge outlines
000,000,000 // borders (dot-dash)
255,255,000 // arrows (road direction)
000,000,000 // arrows border (road direction)
255,255,000 // Route indication arrow color, normal
255,255,000 // Route indication arrow color, highlighted
000,000,000 // Tollroad edge color
255,000,255 // Tollroad inside color
000,000,092 // NavView: status/safeview panel background (default:dark blue)
000,000,128 // NavView: status/safeview panel borders (default:blue)
255,255,255 // NavView: status/safeview panel text (default:white)
206,207,255 // NavView: status/safeview panel dim text (default:lightblue)
000,000,092 // NavView: next highway background
255,255,255 // NavView: next highway border
255,255,255 // NavView: next highway text / iRouteDirectionArrowColor
000,128,000 // NavView: next highway EXIT background
255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT border
255,255,255 // NavView: next highway EXIT text
095,100,215 // NavView: routeplanning progressbar color
000,153,000 // Distant route color
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeBuilding // Additional face types
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeSuburbs
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeCompanyGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeFreeport
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeAmusementParkGround
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeCampingSiteGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeCastleGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeChurchGround
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeGolfCourseGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeGovernmentBuildingGround
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeHolidayAreaGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeHospitalGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeHotelMotelGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeLibraryGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeMuseumGround
182,214,086 // EFaceTypeNatureReserveGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeParkingAreaGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypePetrolStationGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypePlaceOfInterestBuilding
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeMonumentGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeRailwayStationGround
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeRecreationalAreaGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeRestaurantGround
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeRestAreaGround
168,168,168 // EFaceTypeRocksGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeSportsHallGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeStadiumGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeUniversityCollegeGround
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeWalkingTerrainGround
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeZooGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeInstitution
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeOtherLanduse
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeCemeteryGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeMilitaryTerritory
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeShoppingCenterGround
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeAgriculture // Corine face types
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeVineyards
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeFruitTrees
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeOliveGroves
204,204,204 // EFaceTypePastures
182,214,086 // EFaceTypeBroadleavedForest
182,214,086 // EFaceTypeConiferousForest
182,214,086 // EFaceTypeMixedForest
182,214,086 // EFaceTypeScrub
168,168,168 // EFaceTypeRocks
200,200,200 // EFaceTypeGlaciersSnow
168,168,200 // EFaceTypeIntertidalFlats
255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockCityBlock // City map face types
255,255,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockSandArea
209,216,084 // EFaceTypeTownblockMarsh
182,214,086 // EFaceTypeTownblockForest
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeTownblockGrass
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeTownblockPlantedArea
109,150,199 // EFaceTypeTownblockWaterSystem
208,238,119 // EFaceTypeTownblockBankArea
109,150,199 // EFaceTypeTownblockSwimmingPool
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockHighWay
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockNationalRoute
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockPrincipalRoad
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockOtherRoad
255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockWalkWay
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockGardenPath
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockTunnel
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockMediumStrip
255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockHospital
255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockSchool
255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockFactory
100,100,150 // EFaceTypeTownblockDam
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockRailwayGround
255,153,153 // EFaceTypeTownblockPavedArea
255,255,255 // EFaceTypeTownblockIncompleteArea
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeRailRoadStation
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeHospital
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeSchool
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeFactory
204,204,204 // EFaceTypePlaceOfWorship
204,204,204 // EFaceTypeCulturalFacility

I don't know how to share it other than post it as it is here

on edit: I also use 3D and a big yellow pointer for the icon, seems to show up better than in 2D
Last edited:
Just purchased Go 920 and beyond all the hype and 1001 things its supposed to do its basically useless visually during daylight hours because of glare.
Please help.

I have the same problem with glare. if located on top of the dash, a hat will serve as a visor for the tomtom. Takes some practice but after a while, You'll learn to adjust the shade quickly.
The whole sunlight/glare thing is the bane of most GPS units, not just the Tom Toms. But a couple of things you can try:

1) What my friend does with his Garmin unit: procure a bit of window-tint film and cut a square to the screen dimensions. Secure with scotch-tape or a few Velcro squares. From what I can see, cuts down decently (but does not entirely eliminate) much of the glare

2) What I do: Cut myself a square of heavy black cardstock, approximately 6" x 6". I keep this in the car, and secure to the top of the TT with a velcro tab so that it overhangs the front of the unit, like a visor. This works pretty nicely for me, as I keep my unit mounted from the dash below eye level. I guess you could also experiment with mounting some panels on either side of the unit as well, and make an enclosed viewing "box" to block out as much light as possible.
Just purchased Go 920 and beyond all the hype and 1001 things its supposed to do its basically useless visually during daylight hours because of glare. I have it set to the brightest display and I tried the so-called "Clear View" color overlay-nothing helps. I am horrified. What's the good of all the features this unit has if YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING??? I noticed that even when its overcast the screen is still pretty faded. It works great when you're travelling beneath an overpass though!

Is there any solution to this? Am I the only person in the world experiencing this? I used to have a Lowrance 1-way 500 whose screen was twice as large as Tomtom's and the display was crystal clear in the brightest sunshine. Had to shelve it though because the touchscreen became hit and miss.

Please help.

Indeed i have the same problem even with day settings on 100% its a problem
try a bean bag mount so u can move unit to shade

I had a similar problem so I took the bean bag mount from my old Garmin and screwed the Docking unit that came with my GO920 to it. One can make a bean bak by putting a piece of wood in a bag to screw to, then fill it with pebbles, marbles, nuts & bolts, anything heavy.

Now I can move it anywhere and it stays put even on hard turns (I did put some velcro under it and in my favorite spots.

I also changed colors for best contrast.

Hope this helps. Bert a full time RVer in Yuma, AZ, USA who NEVER leaves home without my GO920 and Blackberry 8310.
Birdman.......thanks for the post. I decided to go for it, knowing it would be more for us in Canada considering our dollar has gone south the last couple of months.

However, when it came time to check out, the delivery charge would add $27 US to the cost, bringing the total in Canadian $$$ to $50!

Too much, I'm afraid :(

Guess I'll stick with the baseball cap protector for now.....:rolleyes:
Birdman.......thanks for the post. I decided to go for it, knowing it would be more for us in Canada considering our dollar has gone south the last couple of months.

However, when it came time to check out, the delivery charge would add $27 US to the cost, bringing the total in Canadian $$$ to $50!

Too much, I'm afraid :(

Guess I'll stick with the baseball cap protector for now.....:rolleyes:

Whoa! Free shipping to US and almost $30 shipping to Canada...that's crazy!
Whoa! Free shipping to US and almost $30 shipping to Canada...that's crazy!

Not the first time I witness such and my main deterrent in purchasing online in the USA. I did pay similar when wanting the cable to my IBM keyboard as they seemed inexistant here. Often the way around this is to get the item shipped USPS and also pay the 10$ standard fee for customs/duties on the parcel. Often there is no additional fee if the item was manufactured in NA but, when the item is worth 10$, you end up paying more in additional fees than what the item is worth...

My way around, when the item is small and can wait, has been to have it delivered to my niece or her husband and wait for them to come to Montreal.
back to the shade itself....

I am using the much larger soft sunshade here in (sunny) California, and with the slightly duller x20-x30 screens - it still leaves a lot to be desired. The smaller one pictured would be even less helpful here.

When the x20 units boot up, there is initially a much brighter mode for the boot-up screen. Wish there was a way to get TomTom to incorporate a mode in a new application update to have that extra brightness stay on when daytime set to 100% and the unit is powered (the new low capacity batteries would not last very long with it on...).

That would go a long way to help solve the problem - and it looks like the hardware capability is there already.
back to the shade itself....

I am using the much larger soft sunshade here in (sunny) California, and with the slightly duller x20-x30 screens - it still leaves a lot to be desired. The smaller one pictured would be even less helpful here.

When the x20 units boot up, there is initially a much brighter mode for the boot-up screen. Wish there was a way to get TomTom to incorporate a mode in a new application update to have that extra brightness stay on when daytime set to 100% and the unit is powered (the new low capacity batteries would not last very long with it on...).

That would go a long way to help solve the problem - and it looks like the hardware capability is there already.

I wonder if the 3.5" screen models have a brighter screen. My Magellan 3.5" screen is MUCHHHHHHHHHHH brighter and more colorful and 100% perfectly visble during the day time compared to my ONE XL I just sold. I typically notice that the larger a screen gets, the more faint the brightness unless they implement a strong backlight.

For example, my ViewSonic VX2035WM is a 20" Widescreen model. I also have a VX2235WM which is the same exact model but instead is a 22" widescreen. The 22" is a bit more faint and washed out.

Do I make any sense or am I just crazy?

Not sure if you see the difference but here is an example. Of course this could be due to brand as well...


It's almost as if no amount of sunlight can overpower the brightness of my Magellan screen. It's so damn clear during a very very sunny day.
Don't know about yhe 3.5", but the older TomTom 4" were slightly brigher.

The shame is that on boot-up of the x20-x30 models, the screen initially has a very bright appearance, but it dulls down after that. Still wondering if the brighter mode could be incorporated into a application update to work when the unit is powered.

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