Canada Map version & updates

Sep 17, 2008
Worcestershire UK
TomTom Model(s)
One XL
Hi All
I'm new to this so please be nice.
Have used my One XL in the UK for some time, without hiccups. Went to
Canada again last month and thought i'd take it with me and bought some maps from ebay - new ones apparently.

Well there were lots of things that weren't right, like the one way systems in Red Deer AB for example - it just wasn't on the maps.

The seller tells me that he now has new versions for sale as of 2 weeks ago !!!

Have read a bit on the this forum about map version numbers, so my question is how do i find my map version number and does ayone know the latest version, before i splash out on new maps again onnly to find these are new either.

Help appreciated.
Tap the satellites on your unit and you'll see the version number of the firmware. Now, tap the version number and you'll see the map installed and its version number.

But I'd be somewhat leary of just buying a map itself from some location. TomTom has made changes to its software so that maps can only be installed by downloading and installing using TomTom Home.

No more buying maps on sd cards.
The latest map version is 7.20 (with 7.25 coming). Buy your maps through the 'Home' program directly from TomTom. This way you are assured of getting the latest version.

By the way, there have been several complaints on this forum regarding the poor accuracy of the maps in Western Canada.
Hi both
Yeah, i hear what you're saying.

We went to Toronto in June and the car had a Hertz Sat Nav fitted and it was a bit misleading with the terminology. When we decided to go to Calgary we thought about a quick cheap initial fix (?25 ebay) to see if the TomTom actually worked over there.

All in all i can say yes it does work, but the map info is not good. So now i am confident to pay the ?50 to Tom Tom.

So after running the USA/Canada map in the TomTom. . .
- my version is 7.221.
- Map: "USA and Canada" v675.1409
Theres a bunch of other info if you need it - just ask.

So i am guessing that the map675 and i need at least 715 .. is that right.

Does anyone know when 675 was released ? How old is it ?

675 was released last year. There have been a number of releases since than - all 7xx until recently, when for newer devices - 8xx maps became available (but only if you can upgrade to a application).

The latest map should now be 725, which started coming out a few weeks ago.

As the others said, TomTom is not supporting map sales on SD cards or DVD's anymore, so if an eBay seller is offering you something - it will not be recent maps. I think the 675 map might have been the last one offered on media.
Does anyone know when the ONE 2nd Edition and older devices will get the version 8 app? I'm putting off purchasing a map until I get one compatible with v8 features (like IQR and ALG)
My bet is that we will never see v8 for the One. TomTom seems to want to force you into a more expensive unit in order to get these features. The One has become the stripped down base model.
675 will definatly be out of date, especially for a city like Calgary. Calgary undergoes massive road and route changes on a yearly basis. I have a 715 map and it is only useful for roads that have been around for a few years. I have looked at the 720 map and it isnt any better.

It would seem that Canada is of a very low priority to map makers, its not just TT, but all of the GPS manufacturers.

675 will definatly be out of date, especially for a city like Calgary. Calgary undergoes massive road and route changes on a yearly basis. I have a 715 map and it is only useful for roads that have been around for a few years. I have looked at the 720 map and it isnt any better.

It would seem that Canada is of a very low priority to map makers, its not just TT, but all of the GPS manufacturers.


You are only partly correct with Canada being on low priority , It seems that North America in general Is very good in some areas and not so good in others and it dosen't seem to matter who the map makers are.

They all have good and bad coverage depending where you are traveling.

For an example in New Brunswick there is several KL of the TC Hwy that wasn't on the 720 map but is now on the 810 map and that part of the TC was only completed about 10 mts ago. Yet I see a section of a Hwy in northeran Florida that was completed about the same time and it is still not on the 810 map and this is only two examples, there are many like this.
The hwy between my home town and the next one (11km away) was made into a divided 4 lane about 12 years ago. My 675 map showed it correctly, however my updated 715 shows it as the old 2 lane undivided. The 675 was not a TeleAtlas map. I even forwarded that info via my TTR2 to TT in spring, but I dont know how long it actually would take for that to be translated into a correction.

The 720 shows the hwy as a divided 4 lane, but mis-numbers the south (east running) 2 lanes. How's that for odd?

The 720 also does not show several streets that have been in existance for at least 4 years.


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