Thanks Birdman, I changed things up and they look just like the example you gave but what about the other two folders in backup - Downloads and FromDevice - should they be on the card too? And how do I check to see if TT is reading from the card or is the fact that I got no red "x" or animation an indication that it is the card that is controlling things? Do I also need to go into the TomTom Home software and do anything with the TT connected?
I know, questions, questions . . . . but you've been a big help!
No problem at all, that's why we are all on here. The Downloads folder contains maps, voices, POIs, etc. that you download using TT HOME so that when you go into the (ADD MAPS, TRAFFIC, VOICES, etc) --> (ITEMS ON MY COMPUTER) button within TT HOME, you can manually install these items.
You do not need the /Downloads folder on your TomTom.
The /FromDevice folder is the repository when you use the (COPY TO COMPUTER) icon in TT HOME.
You do not need the /FromDevice folder on your TomTom either.
As for the card....if you have a card in the device and you aren't getting the 'X' then it is reading from the card. If you really wanna test this theory, you could do the following:
1) Remove the card
2) Copy the contents of the TomTom's memory into a folder on your computer (thus, making a backup of your internal memory)
3) Delete everything on your TomTom's memory
4) Try booting your TomTOm with no SD card (it won't do it)
5) Plug in the SD card and boot......everything should work fine
...this is extreme and you really don't need to do this unless you wanna see for yourself.
As for the last question "Do I also need to go into the TomTom Home software and do anything with the TT connected?" If everything is working fine, you shouldn't need to do anything more.
Every time you connect the TT to your PC, TT HOME should open and check if there are new updates for the TT Application and the should download those as they come available. I recommend connecting to the PC at least once per week to get the QuickGPSFix updates....your satellite locking occurs faster.