Can somebody help before I throw it out the window?

Feb 7, 2008
Got a "new" Go720 from tom tom to replace ours that worked for only a week. Apparently the unit they sent me (got it on Wednesday) had the old maps on it. So tomtom help told me to delete the old map using tomtom home and now I'm trying to download the new map. I've tried on both our laptops and it barely even starts before I get the message "The connection to the Tom Tom server timed out". Pop ups are disabled, as well as firewalls. Tom Tom help desk tells me that the message means there is some kind of firewall or something that's blocking it. I've talked to my cable provider and even roadrunner and no one can tell me why it's not working. I even "unchecked" the map since it such a large file and tried to update some of the smaller files (application is 22.7mb) and that even times out the same way. WHAT THE HECK? Any suggestions out there at all to get this stupid thing to work? :eek:
Got a "new" Go720 from tom tom to replace ours that worked for only a week. Apparently the unit they sent me (got it on Wednesday) had the old maps on it. So tomtom help told me to delete the old map using tomtom home and now I'm trying to download the new map. I've tried on both our laptops and it barely even starts before I get the message "The connection to the Tom Tom server timed out". Pop ups are disabled, as well as firewalls. Tom Tom help desk tells me that the message means there is some kind of firewall or something that's blocking it. I've talked to my cable provider and even roadrunner and no one can tell me why it's not working. I even "unchecked" the map since it such a large file and tried to update some of the smaller files (application is 22.7mb) and that even times out the same way. WHAT THE HECK? Any suggestions out there at all to get this stupid thing to work? :eek:

The tomtom servers are notoriously slow and irratic. A map download may take hours to dl.

One learns to have a great deal of patience when getting maps.
I downloaded the latest maps for western europe the other day and it took ages! I back my tom tom up regularly and copy the map folder on to a USB drive just in case!
I hope you get it sorted asap.

Got a "new" Go720 from tom tom to replace ours that worked for only a week. Apparently the unit they sent me (got it on Wednesday) had the old maps on it. So tomtom help told me to delete the old map using tomtom home and now I'm trying to download the new map. I've tried on both our laptops and it barely even starts before I get the message "The connection to the Tom Tom server timed out". Pop ups are disabled, as well as firewalls. Tom Tom help desk tells me that the message means there is some kind of firewall or something that's blocking it. I've talked to my cable provider and even roadrunner and no one can tell me why it's not working. I even "unchecked" the map since it such a large file and tried to update some of the smaller files (application is 22.7mb) and that even times out the same way. WHAT THE HECK? Any suggestions out there at all to get this stupid thing to work? :eek:
What you are describing doesn't match the experiences being noted above, although those are accurate as well. What you are seeing isn't slow response, it's no response at all. That can be caused either by an inability to get a connect to TT's server, or TT's server being unresponsive.

FYI: This response CAN be because you don't have a unit ID and account login that match now that you have the new unit. Go to TTHome, to "Help", and "System Information". Make sure that your login information and new unit serial# are correct. Always check the upper right corner to make sure it has you logged in correctly with your email address.

When you are having this problem, place the following URL into your browser and see if the RedHat Apache page from TT's server comes up:

EDIT: I should have made it more clear that reaching that page at the address above is a GOOD thing in this event, even though the content of the page says otherwise.

If you are making it that far, and can never get a response through TTHome, your account is failing authentication at TomTom or you really do have something blocking your connection.
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In internet explorer go to Tools->Internet Options then select the Connections tab and click the LAN Settings button. Make sure you don't have a proxy setup. I had that on my laptop and wasn't able to connect.
I to just got a replacement 720 with the old maps, and also have the time out problem. The last time i dowmloaded the update map it took me about 6 hours. i have opened a new account with tomtom firewall is turned off anti virus is off. just have to keep trying i guess. Gary

If you are using a wireless connection then try connecting directly to your router with the Ethernet connection.

I've updated my map with no problem so it is possible.
OK finaly got it to update, what i did was reset my router and it worked the first time on a wireless connection so it can be done. Gary
Thanks canderson for realizing my problem is not downloading time but connection issues. I checked the account info as you suggested and the new serial number is listed. I also checked that web address and was able to get thru. I also checked my internet lan settings and made sure proxy wasn't checked, then tried one last time and it actually made some progress before timing out. Also note that I have been plugging right up to the router with the ethernet cord.

What could be blocking my connection? Any other suggestions? Someone noted that they reset their wireless do you do that? TomTom told me to send the unit back but I just don't see the unit being the problem (2 in a row with the same issues?) Then again, it does this on both of our laptops...but we do use the same router.

Another thing, around the 5th or 6th try, the smaller files updated okay (safety cameras, application, etc) but it's the map that does this everytime.

Could there be something about the size that my laptop is wigging out over?
I actually thought of that too, unfortunately that is way to cerebral for me. My hubby normally does all this stuff. I tried to switch around the cables in what I thought made sense...but to no avail. Can you walk me through it?
Oh, also I called tomtom help again just to see if I might get that one person that could help me. The rep suggested I try to install tomtomhome on a pc with XP, since both of our laptops have vista. She thinks it could be some kind of vista glitch. Guess it won't hurt to try.

Thanks for all ya'lls help!
woo HOO

WOO HOO! SShadow, thank you! It was my router! Apparently Ativa routers have a firewall (I googled it and found several forums with folks with the same router with downloading issues). I found the instructions for turning off the firewall and now it's working. Don't want to jinx it since it's not done yet, but it's been downloading for 45 minutes with no "time outs".

Thanks to all!
You're welcome. Sometimes it is difficult to troubleshoot those types of issues, especially when one is not sitting right in front of the equipment. Perhaps someone here knows what ports TTHome communicates through, and you can add those port(s) to the Port Forwarding portion of your router. You really shouldn't leave your firewall disabled. All kinds of nasty stuff can happen. :)
Thanks canderson for realizing my problem is not downloading time but connection issues. I checked the account info as you suggested and the new serial number is listed. I also checked that web address and was able to get thru. I also checked my internet lan settings and made sure proxy wasn't checked, then tried one last time and it actually made some progress before timing out. Also note that I have been plugging right up to the router with the ethernet cord.

What could be blocking my connection? Any other suggestions? Someone noted that they reset their wireless do you do that? TomTom told me to send the unit back but I just don't see the unit being the problem (2 in a row with the same issues?) Then again, it does this on both of our laptops...but we do use the same router.

Another thing, around the 5th or 6th try, the smaller files updated okay (safety cameras, application, etc) but it's the map that does this everytime.

Could there be something about the size that my laptop is wigging out over?
OK. The good news is that many of the possible problems are eliminated by way of fact that you've been able to pull down some of the smaller files. At least you've got a real connection going.

I assume that pulling down the safety camera data (thankfully, we don't have those around here, so I've not had a reason to download them) is a "TomTomPlus" service, indicating that you're not just pulling down files that anyone could get, but that indeed, your account is being checked and validated. If I'm wrong about that, then it's another story. We need to assure that this is true.

If so, then we're down to some sort of timeout issue -- an inability to hold the connection together for long enough to get the larger files.

Believe it or not, what may be happening to you may be entirely normal by "internet standards". It used to happen so often, though, that manufacturers of hardware and those writing software started to include a workaround for it.

It is possible that your problem really is related to slow downloads (temporarily stalled ones, actually), but the effect is a bit more dramatic. It is possible that either your ISP (most likely) or your own equipment is responding to a lack of any new data from TT for an extended period by tearing down the IP connection. In order to defeat that, one thing that is sometimes used is a "keep alive" option that periodically pings something through to give anything that might be looking to time out a sense that there's actually some activity. Some routers provide this as a toggled option, and some only allow it for certain types of connections. Not knowing what you have for a computer, operating system, or router, it's hard to give you specific advice. For starters, I'd take a LONG look at your router for an option that meets this description, and get it enabled.

As for resetting your router -- the only time I've seen this to be necessary is if someone forgot their WEP key. The "hard reset" button is designed to be pressed with power on, and usually sets the entire unit back to factory defaults. My experience also says that a typical home wireless router won't exhibit the problem you've got -- it'll just start ignoring attempts at wireless connections entirely. In those cases, pulling the power on the router and plugging it back in acts to reboot it without blowing away your WEP and other settings as would the factory reset button (usually located on the back -- paperclip required). So I'd pass on the factory reset, and just yank the power once if you have any doubts in that area. FWIW: Linksys wireless B routers were famous for needing this sort of attention about once a month. A nuisance, but not too bad.

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