Blue&Me - TomTom 2 LIVE, 8GB, MyDrive Connect rebooting and not able to re install

Mar 17, 2017
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ch.png" alt="Switzerland" /> Switzerland
TomTom Model(s)
go 4C501
My device just refused to power up to maps and now is in an endless loop of trying to restart but after approx 3 minutes just shuts down again.
I have done the full reset to the white text screen then the tree pushes to get the spinning cog wheel it connects to PC and is seen and then switched to reinstall mode however the Tomtom unit switches off as soon as it starts and I am back to square one.
Because the unit keeps rebooting I cannot stay connected long enough to reinstall which it obviously wants to do.
|How can I stop the unit from rebooting and keep it switched on to take a reinstall?

No idea why it keeps doing this on the 2 previous occasions I have taken the unit back to ten dealer and had it exchanged......I am going mad.
Try connecting the device to the computer and charge it for at least 3 hours. Device can be off.

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