
Jun 29, 2007
Does anyone know where favorites are stored in the backup files? Update wiped out my stored data. Found my music but can not seem to find all my favorites to re-install on 910. Any help appreciated.:)
The poi's are saved in a file called poi.dat. If your device is using OS7.1x and you use mapshare, poi updates are stored in files CA9999.ov2, where 9999 is a number.
This is right from the TOMTOM web site and I have done it in past plus other post on it.

For PC, Double-click My Computer (or START>MY COMPUTER) and double-click the TomTom device - it should be listed under Devices with Removable Storage.
3. Find the folder specific to your device's map. This folder will be the name of the map you are using (example:USA_and_Canada or United_States).

If you have more than one map installed, be sure to follow these instructions for each of them.
4. Double-click your map folder and look for a file called MapSettings.cfg.

5. Copy this file to your computer's hard drive. You can either drag and drop the file to your computer or you can Edit> Copy the file and then Edit>Paste to an area on your computer.
6. Once you have backed-up this file you can proceed with installing your new maps.

7. After installing the new maps, you will need to copy this file back into the new map folder.

You should now have restored your previous map settings for use with your new maps. Enjoy!

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