Backing up the 2505TM

Jan 4, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
I had a Go 730 but it got stolen a few months ago. I just purchased a GO 2505TM. Are there issues backing this one up like the previous models? Should I do an "Explorer backup" on initial use?
The user cannot make backups of that model since there is no way to access the file system of that model. :eek:

TomTom did say they hoped such functionality as well as use of custom ov2 files would come in 2011.

But for now ............... hope nothing goes wrong! :rolleyes:
Thanks, This unit must be really new. They don't have any support info on their website yet. CNET gave it a good review so I hope I won't have any issues with it.
My opinion is that, for the vast majority of people, the GO 2505TM is the best Tomtom available without recurring costs. Of course it is also one of the most expensive Tomtom's available right now, too.

It has big pluses and big minues vs other models, but I feel that in total, the pluses on this model outweigh the minuses when compared to any other non-LIVE Tomtom.

We always recommend backups, since they allow you to self-recover from many crashes/bugs that otherwise brick a Tomtom.

Tomtom has promised that the MyTomtom computer software will eventually allow backups, but the feature hasn't been built yet.

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