
Oct 19, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
I don't know where this should go as there is no section for this model TT...
mods move it where you see fit, if needed.

This is kind of a rant and kind of a question.

I had a TT910 and loved it but wanted to go down to one unit (stereo and GPS) so, I sold it a got the AVN2210P. I really like this piece so far too but... I am frustrated at the fact that now my phone won't connect. My Treo750 paired right up with the TT910 and won't with the AVN2210P. It says that I can set up for plus services and not hands free...but I can't! Why would the TT910 pair and not the other...? and is there away to make it? maybe an update for the TT910 for phones would work? Does anyone have any ideas? Any help would be great.

It just doesn't make any sence why wouldn't TT make all of the devices GO, ONE, Rider...etc. all have the same connectivity through bluetooth.
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Thanks Pedro and I have seen both of those. My rant side was why wouldn't TT for the sake of saving time and programing energy just use the same connectivity profile for all of their devices. What I mean to say is why do certain phones connect to some devices and not others. They all come from the same place. Why the different programing.

...and now the stupidity of under-paid and under-trained tech support.
The following is an actual email from me to TT help and back.

Customer (Cliff Cagle) 10/19/2007 03:41 PM
Is there any way to get a list of smart phones that are compatible with the AVN2210P for both Plus Services and Hands Free?

Response (ST Kevin B) 10/22/2007 09:22 PM
Dear Cliff Cagle,

Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Support. My name is Kevin, and I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your query. Our goal is to provide you with an exceptional customer experience.

I am sorry, but the AVN2210P is not capable of hands free calling. Other Plus services are available, but very few smart phones are compatible with any of our units. Most smart phones are constructed as PDAs with built-in phones, and as such are not supported. For a list of compatible phones for the eclipse, you can refer to the list for the One. The AVN2210P is basically a One that is built to interface with the Fujitsu radio. To view the compatibility list for the One, please go to http://www.tomtom.com/products/features.php?ID=259&Category=0&Lid=4. This is the complete list.

If we may be of any further assistance, please e-mail or call us at 866-486-6866 Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM EST. Thank you again for contacting TomTom Support. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.


and The TomTom Customer Support Team

This guy doesn't even know what features are supported on his own companies products. The AVN2210P does support hands free calling, as I set up my old RAZR with my AVN2210P and it worked fine.
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Sorry to hear that. For a device with that price I would assume it would come with handsfree capabilities. There is no information on this unit from the official website!

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