Auto Zoom default too far out on XXL-540Tm

Apr 15, 2010
I have a strange thing happening on my XXL-540TM. I was driving on I-35 in the Oklahoma City area, I noticed as I approached some over passes, that in some instances the street name would appear on the map, but no street was showing up, or the street would show on the map but only on one side of the highway even though it was a street that ran over the highway highway and was on both sides of the highway.

If I hit the + button on the zoom feature one time, everything shows up normally, the problem is the unit auto zooms out back to the default and I have the same issue again. Some streets show up fine and some do no. I haven' t noticed this in city driving but mostly on highway.

I know I can't turn off the auto zoom feature on this unit but is there anyway to adjust the default so it doesn't zoom out as far, because this seems to be what is causing the issue.

I have the latest application 9.061.576030.2

map v865.3254
Is it much of an issue though?
If I'm understanding your situation right, it will only be zoomed out when you don't need to make any decisions or take any action.
As soon as you get to a junction or turn where you need to do something, the auto-zoom will take you closer in.
With all due respect, the unit obviously isn?t working correctly. It?s not a matter of whether or not I could or should just ignore it, it?s the fact the unit has an issue. It doesn?t do it on every street, and I haven?t noticed it much if any when driving in the city. I really want to like this unit, but between this, the constant calls to TomTom support for other issues and the absolutely horrible mount, I?m about ready to ditch this and go with the Nuvi 1450lmt. It doesn?t have the bells and whistles of the TomTom, but the dang thing works. And the map is way more up to date than anything TomTom has put out.
With all due respect, the unit obviously isn?t working correctly. It?s not a matter of whether or not I could or should just ignore it, it?s the fact the unit has an issue. It doesn?t do it on every street, and I haven?t noticed it much if any when driving in the city.

Sorry, but with equal all due respect, what you've described so far sounds like it *is* working correctly.

If every road name was show all the time at every zoom level the display would be a complete mess.
So a decision has to be made about what detail to show you and when.

In the same way, you can't expect it to show you EVERY road name at every zoom level on the "Browse map" screen

Do you agree that it shows you all the road names you need to know whenever you need to follow an instruction?
From what you've said so far, it sounds like it just isn't showing full details of roads you could not even get onto (if they are overpasses.) on the navigation view.

Sorry if I have the wrong end of the stick, but I can only go from what you've posted so far.
If you could supply a screen grab or picture it might help to show what you mean.

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