Audio cable from 2535TM?

Mar 19, 2011
Toronto, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
GO 2535TM
Hi guys,
I have found in the settings menu of my new 2535TM the question how I want to listen to the audio output - with the built-in speakers or with a cable, connecting the device to the car stereo. But I didn't find any jack for a cable on the device body! Is it simply a bug in the application (I mean, in the settings), or there is any way to use the charger's jack for that purpose?
Welcome to TTF.

It's a bug in the application. Option should not be listed for the 2X models in North America.
Thanks for reply!
Today I began to test 2535 and Garmin 1450 - they have voice quality from different worlds! Fortunately, the voice 2535 is unpredictably nice and high-quality even when very loud (so, there is no need in the car stereo), Now I hear that Garmin speaks "with nose closed with fingers" - how didn't I pay attention before? :eek:
Yes, audio quality on the Go 1000 and 2000 models is incredibly good, considering how thin the devices are.

Unfortunately they didn't use the same system in the new Start 20 model (and presumably the VIA's) which to me sound awful.

As for the "line out" question, that software option is intended for when you use an accessory mount that DOES have a line out socket, such as the 'Active Dock for fixed installation'.

This is available on TomTom's UK website here:
Active Dock for fixed installation - Mounts, Holders and Docks - Accessories - TomTom
but for some reason it doesn't seem to be available to US customers yet.
but for some reason it doesn't seem to be available to US customers yet.
... and like that for the GO740, there's the possibility that the necessary dock may never show up here.

I think the boys in Amsterdam are operating under some misconception that those of us in North America have more acute hearing, or never have to contend with road noise, or never have to deal with the sound of a 9mm going off in our ears, and never need to pipe the audio to an amplifier!

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