2535 Live and NYC traffic / IQ Routes issue

Jun 29, 2011
Bought a 2535 Live a few weeks ago, and am on the fence about returning it. I already have a built-in dash GPS in my truck, but need something with traffic avoidance as I commute daily into NYC.

For example, if I map an address from my home in PA to the city via TomTom Route Planner, in the mornings it will suggest I take a route into the city via the George Washington Bridge. This is fine, and is actually my preferred way into work.

The 2535 however ALWAYS wants to send me into the Lincoln Tunnel which by rush hour, is always a 30-40 minute jam. The 2535, apart from not seeming to know this, also doesn't provide an alternate route unless you're about to get stuck or are already stuck in traffic.

Fortunately, I know my way around the city very well, so I don't rely on the GPS for directions, but rather for the quickest way in. As of today, I'm very disappointed in the 2535's performance. I would at least think that IQ routes on my device would give me the same results as what I get from Route Planner on the internet, but that is simply not the case.

Is there something I need to do to get better, more dynamic, traffic routing information out of my 2535?? I've already updated the device to the latest maps and firmware version.
[Thread moved to appropriate forum for higher visibility.]

Look for supermod, mvl, to jump into this thread within the next 24 hours (probably, much sooner). He has that model and has driven into NYC during rush hour with the LIVE device.

He'll have insight into the situation for you, I'm sure. So, check back.

(Others may respond as well, of course).
I'm wondering if by any chance the issue is one of configuration to Shortest instead of Fastest? That would keep using the same route day after day whether it made sense time-wise or not.
I'm wondering if by any chance the issue is one of configuration to Shortest instead of Fastest? That would keep using the same route day after day whether it made sense time-wise or not.

That's something I haven't checked, although I believe I have it set to fastest. The reason I say so, is that in the morning it will usually advise me to take a longer route (avoiding I80 and SR15), but still wants me to go through the Lincoln tunnel when its faster and easier to enter the city through the GWB via the Palisades Pkwy.

Makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE, and is very frustrating. I even tell it to optimize my route while I'm driving, and it still says you are on the fastest route via Lincoln. This is while the traffic radio lady is telling me that the Lincoln is now up to an hour wait while the bridge is only 20 minutes... :rolleyes:

If I was a tourist or someone who rarely drives into NYC and didn't know any better, blindly following the 2535 would constantly lead me into gridlock instead of keeping me out of it as it's supposed to...
Is your hd traffic active? Do you see the black traffic bar line on the right?

Also have you set traffic settings to always reroute if traffic?
Is your hd traffic active? Do you see the black traffic bar line on the right?

Also have you set traffic settings to always reroute if traffic?

Hi there.

Yes, HD traffic is active. I do not have it set to always reroute, but rather, to notify me if traffic has changed and if i want to take an alternate.
The "prompt for reroute" setting may be the source of your problems. I've found that sometimes, the Tomtom will calculate a route around traffic, then if the traffic changes too quickly, it will calculate again before prompting. So you may never get to see a prompt to avoid the Lincoln tunnel.

I'd recommend trying the Tomtom in auto-reroute mode. It immediately reroutes, even in changing traffic, and may help with your problems.
I'll give the auto-reroute a try, but what I still don't understand is why the IQ routes on the TomTom don't match the IQ Routes presented in the web-based Route Planner. Shouldn't they agree with each other? The Route Planner is always more accurate in terms of route suggestion than my 2535.
The online route planner performs auto-reroute with HD traffic.

Also, have you updated your map to version 870? The 2535 ships with version 865, and the route planner uses 870.
The online route planner performs auto-reroute with HD traffic.

Also, have you updated your map to version 870? The 2535 ships with version 865, and the route planner uses 870.

Yes, map is version 870.

IQRoutes on the 2535 still doesn't match the online Route Planner.
Any update on this?

Unfortunately no. The 2535 is in my opinion not very good for traffic rerouting in NYC.

My main complaints are:

1. Despite the unit being kept current with TomTom updates as they arrive, the unit still doesn't match the online route planner - the 2535 still insists on trying to take me into NYC via the MOST congested route possible.

2. HDTraffic doesn't take into consideration some of the side streets it reroutes me on. The other day, I decided to ignore my intuition and follow the TomTom and I spent an extra hour trying to get into the office because of congestion on side streets.

3. HDTraffic service seems to be spotty at best, and always seems to go down at the most inoportune moments.

4. Random reboots and slow, clunky UI.

I am very disappointed with my decision to purchase this unit. I've always used Garmins but decided to give TomTom a try based on what I've read regarding their HD Traffic service. If I could return this unit to Amazon for a full refund, I'd do it and get another Garmin but alas, my return period has expired. I'll probably end up selling this on eBay at a loss...
When I drove through NYC, hd traffic had been perfect, with the exception of the Holland tunnel approach (where it missed a 1-hour delay).

What areas was it failing for you?

When I tried Garmin traffic a while ago, it stunk on sidestreets. And I get continued complaints from my friends in Boston about the terrible Garmin routing.

It may be a city-by-city thing. Have you found Garmin routing to be adequate in NYC? Was it better than HD traffic?

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