2 Questions about the 730, bluetooth related

Aug 5, 2007
I just bought a 730 for my dad and he has trouble hearing. I paired up his phone with the bluetooth and I got 2 questions.

1. I want to use the car speakers to say everything (directions, bluetooth etc). Do I do this with an aux cable from the audio out port? haven't tested that yet. Or would I have to take it to best buy or a car place and have them hard wire it somehow?

2. When he makes calls, everything works but it didn't import his phonebook to the tomtom. It says it is not compatible with his phone. Is there a way around this? He has a motorola from sprint but forgot the exact model # at this moment.

Last thing, when i hooked it up to my PC to update maps and software, I tried to add the camera lights app and the speed limit app but it says my tomtom is not compatible but on the box of the 730, it advertises it! Not sure why it was grayed out and wouldn't let me download it,
I just bought a 730 for my dad and he has trouble hearing. I paired up his phone with the bluetooth and I got 2 questions.

1. I want to use the car speakers to say everything (directions, bluetooth etc). Do I do this with an aux cable from the audio out port? haven't tested that yet. Or would I have to take it to best buy or a car place and have them hard wire it somehow?

If you want directions through the stereo, use the aux cable. Unfortunately your phone calls will still go through the TT (and he will have difficulty hearing them).

2. When he makes calls, everything works but it didn't import his phonebook to the tomtom. It says it is not compatible with his phone. Is there a way around this? He has a motorola from sprint but forgot the exact model # at this moment.

I manually copied my list to the TT SDHC drive

Last thing, when i hooked it up to my PC to update maps and software, I tried to add the camera lights app and the speed limit app but it says my tomtom is not compatible but on the box of the 730, it advertises it! Not sure why it was grayed out and wouldn't let me download it,

Once again, I added the extra bmp and ogg files manually...
I manually copied my list to the TT SDHC drive

Once again, I added the extra bmp and ogg files manually...

can you explain how you copied the list and how you upload it to the tt? I see that there is an SD slot but how do i get my phonebook on the SD card and how do i get the signals and cameras on the SD card? Once its on there and I put the card in my tt, how do i make the tt read the SD card?
Connect the device to your PC, if TomTom Home starts up shut the PC based application down as it won't be needed for this method. You will also need your phone book stored on the computer, so if its possible to get it on there before starting this it will make life easier. Before you do anything else make a full backup of the device using Windows Explorer to your computer, keep this backup safe, hopefully it won't ever be needed, but if anything goes wrong in future you can re-install the back up to get the device running again.

You can edit the file used for storing the phone book on your PC, connect the device to the PC and use Windows Explorer to locate the "contacts" folder and then the "contacts.txt" file within it.
You can open this using notepad on the PC and add the extra details to the list, save the file and you will have the missing details on the TomTom. There is an Excel spreadsheet which can be used to create the file for the device if you don't want to create it using Notead, you can get the download from Here its third in the list BTW.

The phone book text file format is as follows:

"Fred Smith/M","0123456789","DEFAULT"
"happy bunny/M","0123456789","DEFAULT"
"Tim salt/M","0123456789","DEFAULT"

The /M after the name denotes Mobile
use /H for Home and /W for Work related numbers.

Now for the POI files, again using Windows Explorer view the contents of the device and locate your spesific map folder, it will be named North America or Western_Europe etc. open this and copy/ paste the ov2 Custom POI files straight in to the map folder. Once complete start the device and go to Change Preferences/ Manage POI/ Warn when near POI and configure any warnings you might want such as redlight or speed cameras - Mike

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