TomTom US Website broke

Sep 4, 2007
For the past month I've been trying to buy maps of the US and I've been failing. I started trying to get it through TomTom Home and it would die where it would try to connect to the payment server. For the past week I've been trying to buy it through the TomTom US Website only to have it fail with varying errors when I click on Products | Maps. TomTom has been less then helpful in this matter.

Any thoughts on how I can do this?

For the past month I've been trying to buy maps of the US and I've been failing. I started trying to get it through TomTom Home and it would die where it would try to connect to the payment server. For the past week I've been trying to buy it through the TomTom US Website only to have it fail with varying errors when I click on Products | Maps. TomTom has been less then helpful in this matter.

Any thoughts on how I can do this?


I'm having the same issue with accessing their website, and I can't log on through TomTom home either. See below:
Try to change the country From United States to UK.

Nope, doesn't work. I mean, nothing. I did a Google search on "ONE" using advanced search within domain "" and I get a load of hits. If I click any link, it does not work. If I click on the "cached page" link, I can see the text, but no files, pics or links work.

It really looks to me like their website is down completely. Can anyone log on to TomTom right now, or access their webpages? I at least want to access the GPS quickfix data.
Just did it right now. Works for me.
If you can't log in on, is the log in information correct?
What error message do you get?
I haven't had any trouble today. The last time I heard about this problem was due to the ISP either blocking unintentionally blocked it or just a bad ip address.
Sorry to hear that. I didn't get that far.
Has anyone tried contacting TomTom NA Support?
Im sure they want to make their money. I hope they have a solution for this.
Just did it right now. Works for me.
If you can't log in on, is the log in information correct?
What error message do you get?

No error message, it just doesn't log on. On the web, the error is "connection has timed out".

I'll call them when I have a chance. In case I can't find their number, does anyone have it?
1 866 486 6866 (available 8:30AM to 7:00PM EST Mon - Fri and 9:00AM to 5:00PM EST Saturdays)

They tell you that it has been down a few days and to eMail a sales address that autoreplies back that you need to contact support. One could think that they don't want to make sales.

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