How to find the exact model name of your TomTom

Feb 10, 2011
London, UK.
TomTom Model(s)
Go520,720,XL Live, Start60,Go940,950,1000,1005,New500,New5000
To help us get to work on a problem quickly, we need to know the exact TomTom model we're dealing with, that's why we ask you to put the details in your forum profile.

But is a "550" a US XXL550 or is it a UK GO550? Is a "One" an original "ONE" or one of the other 10 or more models all with "One" in the name?

So it can be difficult to work out what model you own, especially if you don't still have the box it came in!

Finally, TomTom themselves came up with a way to help.

Every TomTom has a serial number. Usually it's on a label on the bottom along with a barcode, although a few have it hidden rather sneakily. If yours isn't obvious, have a look at this picture for some clues:

Serial Number locations.jpg

Once you have that serial number, you can put it into an on-line tool on the TomTom website, and that will tell you the full "official" name of your model.

Which TomTom device do I have? - US site
Which TomTom device do I have? - UK site

The results from that are what you need to tell us (preferably by putting it in your profile). You can click on "User CP" at the top of the page to modify your profile.
ZH = GO5200 Wi-Fi, 16GB + micro-SDHC, Wi-Fi®
Willy -
That one isn't in any of my lists. Where did you obtain the list you are using? I only show ZB and ZO for the version you described. Would be nice to assure my list is complete. Always looking for additional sources of info.

To the OP ( @reblle ), that's what we call a "Nav4" device in our lists here.

New tomtom owner, i just got a second hand gps, and looking for info on the model.
I have encountered that it should be a nav4 generation, with SN starting with letters ZE.

But in some posts I read these ZE have been re-used for several models (go 620, go essentials, maybe also go navigator 6 because on an unboxing video it was ZE number too), so a bit lost with all these similar models.

How could i get more info to help me get some insights without the packaging (model name, product year),
here the number 3459100234, in addition at backside is written model 4PN60 do not know if usefull.

thank you
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Indeed, the ZE can be Supreme, Essential, GO 620 or GO 620 Truck.

If you'll provide the rest of the bigger number on the back (4PN6.0xx.0x) I could give you more information.

The naming was in part a function of where the device was sold.
IIRC, the Essential was the European model, and the Supreme was the North America / Australia / New Zealand name.

These were all one version or another of the 620 platform.
Thank you for quick answer so only naming difference, remaining model info is 4pn6.001.01.

I hope the model I bought is not too old, have seen some video of go 620 is 7 years old, but what I find strange is this model can still be bough in shops even if a quite old model.
Thank you for quick answer so only naming difference, remaining model info is 4pn6.001.01.

I hope the model I bought is not too old, have seen some video of go 620 is 7 years old, but what I find strange is this model can still be bough in shops even if a quite old model.
Even though the GO 620 is old, it can still be updated without any problems. Personally, if I had to buy a GPS, I would rather buy an older model.

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