Tripmaster equivalent

Jan 6, 2007
Southern Bavaria
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/de.png" alt="Germany" /> Germany
TomTom Model(s)
Currently in use: GO Camper Max, Android GO NavApp
As you may know Roussillat from Le Web B@zar stopped support and further development of all his tools like Tripmaster, OffroadNavigator and so on due to TomTom's last years decision to quit the SDK.

Because of that and the known problems with Tripmaster Pilsit, member of the german forum, has written his own logging tool. You can download logpos from >>>this site<<<. Have fun.

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As you may know Roussillat from Le Web B@zar stopped support and further development of all his tools like Tripmaster, OffroadNavigator and so on due to TomTom's last years decision to quit the SDK.

Because of that and the known problems with Tripmaster Pilsit, member of the german forum, has written his own logging tool. You can download logpos from >>>this site<<<. Have fun.


Here is the link to the English verson of this site from here you can click on the German flag to go to German site. For some reason I couldn't find a flag on the German site to go to English verson. I am not sure if you will find the download on the English site but you can read the other things on there.
The original linked worked for me, thanks....the one posted by GarCor took me to a site where I could not find the software....Anyway I have yet to install.

Strange I went back to the first link and it took me to a different site (now I understand why GarCor posted his link).
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OK I installed it...looks like it will log OK, but that is it?:confused: Nothing like Tripmaster in terms of features. Certainly not even close to a replacement.:(
Is there any documentation? I installed it, it appears to be running, but where do I find the logs and what does the info flashing on the screen mean?


good question J...I was wondering the same thing. Here is what the description says:
A simple tool which logs an itinerary to ITN and TXT files, while also flashing the city name with the altitude!

I read ( the developers of tripmaster and event logger are trying to sort things out...
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Ok... I went for a drive and later found a txt document in the document reader where the app was writing the info to. Seems like good info, but doesn't look like there is any position information. I'd love to see position info included that way you could use the files to input into other programs like Streets and Trips or GPSVisualizer. By the way the file is easier viewed if you open it in Excel.

I'd be interested in knowing what all the other info is:

Av Universit?; 387 @9.7m (s=26 d=193)

I assume I was at 378 University Avenue, maybe 9.7m elevation (a bit off, but close) but what does the S and D values mean?

Also what is the "logpos X-LOC" application for?


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