Improve walking with your TomTom- StatNavOff

Dec 30, 2006
I ran across this application on

If you already have Tripmaster installed, make sure that you don't overwrite your existing sdkregistry folder. Also, for those who don't normally like to read the readme files, you must turn your TomTom off and back on for this to work once you have turned selective navigation on or off.

This should work on all TomTom's with SiRFstar III's. It won't work on any of the ONE's except for the ONE v1 and ONE v2a.

1 Background

SIRF GPS receivers has a feature called "Static navigation". Basically, what
it does is to freeze the position when the speed is below some predefined limit. It will
not update the position again until either the speed has gone above some threshold, or
the position has changed by some distance. These limits may differ from one SIRF firmware
to another, but generally the speed limit is somewhere around 1.2 m/s and the position
limit is around 50 meters or so. If you walk slowly, the position will therefore only
update once every 50 meters. If you run you will get continuous position updates, since your
speed is above the limit.

2: The problem

This behaviour is desirable when driving a car, since it will prevent the map from moving and
spinning around when you stop at traffic lights, crossings etc. However, if you want to use your
TomTom while walking, this is awkward and undesirable. In this case, you want continuous
position updates, even if it will cause the map to wander some. Likewise, if you want to
use some third party application (like NMEAlogger) to log a (walking) trip you will want
the log to be as detailed as possible.

3: The solution

SIRF GPS receivers typically works in two modes. One is called "Sirf binary", and the other
is plain NMEA. To get precise control over internal settings/features the only way is
to use "Sirf binary". I was determined to write an application for the TomTom GO that would
let me do this. However, some investigation showed that TomTom has already made such an
application, so all I needed to do was to create a couple of simple shell scripts and accompanying
icons. By issuing the correct command it is therefore possible to change the "Static Navigation"
setting within the SIRF receiever, and that is what these scripts does.

4: Installation and use

Just unzip the contents onto the root folder of your TomTom (remember backup!). When you restart
your TomTom you will have two additional icons in the main menu that you can use to turn on and off
static navigation. Note that after you've pressed one of these icons, you must turn the TomTom off
and then back on again (using the power button). If you don't do this, the navcore application will
not read any GPS data until you do. A full reset (with the "hidden" reset button) will restore
the default setting, turning static navigation on again. It may be restored by other occurrences
also, but I am not sure about that. It is easy to identify whether it is on or off by looking at
the GPS status screen. If the position and/or the direction moves when you are stationary, then static
navigation is off.

5: Disclaimer

Basically, I don't guarantee ANYTHING. Use at your own risk. I have ONLY verified that this works
on my own TTGO730 with firmware 8.010, so it may not work for you. I don't think you will damage
anything by trying it, but if anything bad happens, you're on your own!

(e-mail address removed)

P.S: In case you are wondering what the icons depict, I don't blame you. I'm no artist, but what I
am trying to symbolize is that with static navigation off you will get positional wandering, while
with it it turned on, you will not. Unless you actually move, of course.... :)


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I'll give it a try...a quick install question...probably obvious....since I have tripmaster installed, I just take the contents of the sdkregistry folder and combine them in that registry on the TT?
static mode switch works for me

I installed this on my 910 yesterday and it works great. For anyone trying to do geocaching or accurate NMEA logging with a SiRFstar III based unit, this is the way to go.

One installation note - the instructions say to just unzip the file at the root level of your device. When I did that it created a new folder with the needed files in folders inside. I had to then move the inner folders out to the root level.

One of the folders is an sdkregistry. if you already have one, move the contents of this new folder into your existing sdkregistry.

I've tried to install, but get nothing. I added the statnavoff and statnavon CAP and BMP files to the sdkregistry folder, and the gps_adjust folder and the .DS_Store file to the root directory, and nothing.

Anybody have any ideas?
not sure about the effect of the .ds_store file (Mac related). I added the files as you did sans the ds store and the app shows up on main screen 4 of 4.
I installed it but am not sure if it's working.

I tried both settings (Clicked one, then turned my 920 off and back on .. same with other setting)

When driving in both situations .. when I'm exiting a freeway with an off ramp, my position icon still "sticks" to the freeway and doesn't show me on the off ramp unless I'm well off the freeway. At this point, it quickly jumps to my actual position. The TomTom still thinks I'm on the freeway until I'm far away enough from it to assume other wise.

I was hoping this software would "unstick" it from the roads.

Any ideas? I would love for this to work - especially for geocaching in particular! Thanks!
I was hoping this software would "unstick" it from the roads.

Any ideas? I would love for this to work - especially for geocaching in particular! Thanks!

The sticking to roads is part of the TomTom software that displays the map on screen. This plug in is changing a hardware setting not the software. With statnav turned off the receiver chips will update your location continuously but the TomTom map still locks the displayed location to the road.

Go to the satelite data screen and watch your displayed coordinates. With statnav turned on you will see your coordinates lock when you stop moving and not update until you move far enough or fast enough. With statnav off the coordinates will update as you walk slowly - just what you need for geocaching.

I hope this helps,

Works on a TomTom One 3rd Edition w/Custom Menu

StatNav On ? Off also works on a TomTom One 3rd Edition even with the custom menu feature.

I have a TomTom One 3rd Edition, Application Version 7.166. GPS Version 1.21.

I tried upgrading to Application Version 8.010 through TomTom Home but my custom menu did not work so I went back to Version 7.166 for now.

Here is what you need to do!

Edit your TomTom.mnu custom menu file to add a third page since the other two pages are already full. Here is my original and new versions of my TomTom.mnu file with the third page added.

MENUPAGE|TASK_PAGE1|Main menu 1 of 2|
MENUPAGE|TASK_PAGE2|Main menu 2 of 2|

MENUPAGE|TASK_PAGE1|Main menu 1 of 3|
MENUPAGE|TASK_PAGE2|Main menu 2 of 3|
MENUPAGE|TASK_PAGE3|Main menu 3 of 3|


SDK1 and SDK2 are the two entries for the two new icons.

After editing the TomTom.mnu file, copy it back to your SdkRegistry folder to replace the old TomTom.mnu file.

Extract the file shown in this post, to a new folder on the hard drive of the computer you connect your TomTom to.

Copy the four files in the extracted SdkRegistry folder, (statnavoff.bmp, statnavon.bmp, stanavoff.cap and statnavon.cap) to your TomTom SdkRegistry folder. You should now have five files in your SdkRegistry folder on you TomTom One 3rd Edition. These four and your TomTom.mnu file.

Copy (Drag) the extracted folder (gps_adjust) to the root directory on your TomTom One 3rd Edition.

That?s it. Your done.

When you reboot your TomTom 3rd Edition, it will have a 3rd menu page which will display the two new icons.

Go to your GPS Status screen and walk slow. You will notice that the Latitude and Longitude do not change as you walk.

Go to the 3rd page in you menu and click Statnav OFF. Wait a few seconds and your TomTom 3rd Edition should return to the map screen. Now, shut down your TomTom and reboot it.

Go to your GPS Status screen and walk slow. You will notice that the Latitude and Longitude are now constantly changing as you walk.

Do not leave it in this mode when driving. Go back to the 3rd menu page and click Statnav ON. Shut down and reboot to return it to normal.

I would assume this would also work on a TomTom One 3rd Edition without a custom menu. I would think you just need to create the SdkRegistry folder in your root directory but do not know how the software will know how to display the new icons?
Have been using my TomTom One 3rd Edition for Geocaching for a year now using the Statnav_on_off function and it works great. I think it is actually more accurate then my brother inlaws old handheld.
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This is fantastic. I've just taken up geocaching, and it has been incredibly frustrating. I've only been able to find two caches out of the seven I've tried, which is pretty disheartening.

As soon as I slow down, TT would quit updating. I've found myself walking briskly in the vicinity of the cache just so I could get updates, but that doesn't work so well. Then I took to turning it off and then on again. That worked better, but not great. Repeating that without moving would more likely than not give new coordinates which differed by .01 minutes (which is a lot when geocaching).

I just now got this package installed on my TT and went wandering around in the yard at night enthralled with the new immediacy. Thanks so much!
Statnav works on the EASE (and probably START)

I should have posted this earlier, but I just wanted you to know that this works beautifully on the EASE. I am not sure you have to reset it to get it back to factory settings, but I'll find out about that in time. Meanwhile, this is great for walking--instant updates. Fantastic! Thanks.
It's been some since the lastest posts, but I thought I'd just post here to say that this works great on my TomTom One v3, app v8.010.

I did not need to do the menu adjustment, because I already had Offroad Navigator, which had added the third page. Good thing, because I don't have a TomTom.mnu anywhere in my files, or even any .mnu file!

BTW: the aforementioned Offroad Navigator will really give you the instant gratification you need! :)
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Does anyone know if this can be made to work on the XXL 540 models? I think I installed it correctly but it doesn't seem to be working. The new icons appear in the main menu and when I press one it changes as though something is happening. However, I cannot get it to show changing coordinates when I walk around. I did turn the unit off and back on after pressing the statnav Off icon but everything seems to be the same either way. Any help will be deeply appreciated! :)
Were you sure to download and install his little patch software ( along with the application? Your version of Navcore will require it. If not, you can grab it here Le Web Bazar !!! Applications Tomtom !! Patch Tomtom v8.350 !!!

No, I had not downloaded that patch. I'm afraid I'm into stuff that's a little over my head at this point. I just downloaded the patch, extracted it to the root directory of my TT device, rebooted my device, and still don't see any results. I wonder if it is because I'm too close to roads and my position is locked in. I wouldn't think so because I'm at least 150 ft. from a road. Thanks again for your help, CANDERSON.
I wonder if it is because I'm too close to roads and my position is locked in. I wouldn't think so because I'm at least 150 ft. from a road. Thanks again for your help, CANDERSON.
I've never taken the time to assure myself of the real distance where a TomTom gives up on the road-snap. It may be a little hard to measure since you never know where the road was actually geolocated to begin with. You may start out walking away from a road in a direction that the TomTom thinks is actually a little closer to the road than you already were!

One way you can tell what may happen is to leave the TomTom in its normal mode when you start walking. Until you see it move away from the road position, it's still snapped to the road. Alternately, if you had a destination already programmed, you'll eventually see a dashed line appear that is pointing to the nearest road that would take you to that destination. At THAT point, you'll know the road snap feature has given up and you're free to wander. Even the coordinates on the GPS status screen will start to display something more useful. I'm often surprised at how far I have to get into a parking lot before that starts to appear when I'm navigating to an address that's actually in a large parking lot somewhere.

150' may not be quite far enough to disengage the snap. Try looking at your unit per above and only engage the OffRoad program once you're fully clear of a snapped street.

This is why I'm amazed at the guy from Portugal who has found over 800 geocaches with his TomTom. Or perhaps his is old enough that the non-snapped coordinates were still being supplied by the TomTom firmware. Shame they disabled that in later releases.
It works! I wasn't sure just how to use it but after your last post I went out and tried it again. We have 10 acres here on the NM desert and I have set a bench on a high spot near the North boundary (farthest from the dwelling). I had previously set the bench as a POI. I have also made a winding road that leads from the house to the bench (for taking walks). I was able to navigate (walking) straight to the bench going cross-country (not using my winding road) with my modified TT 540TM. Thanks again, CANDERSON, for taking the time to help a newbie. :) You are a goldmine of information and I appreciate your willingness to share it.

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