What do you mean "Pedestrian mode"? If you wanna use it without a route, just turn it on and use it. It's no different from leaving it on in car as you drive. The maps do show pedestrian-only paths (dotted pink/grey in standard colours).
It registers 5km/h when I use it to walk.
I tried it once when I was in the Outer Banks, thinking it would give me a route along a walking path straight to the beach. I was wondering how far it was. Instead it routed me along roads. I think unless it has the paths in the map, it won't recognize them.Using GO 720 for Bicycle Route - Does it really work ? Can you plan paths not roads ?
I have bought a GO720 to ride around Germany on the bicycle paths marked on it, yet my TT is very reluctant to ever use a bike path or even stay on it even when the bicycle planning option is chosen.
Has any one ever succesfully used the bicycle or walking option & found that TT will take the corresponding path rather than walking down a freeway ???
It is very frustating when it appears to be a feature TT has yet does not work as expected !! Particularly when there ia a bike path running parallel to teh main road and TT won't take it.
Anyone been able to use these non-car features sensibly ???
: (
I agree if the bicycle path is not shown on the TT map, I don't expect it to go along a route it does not know exists. The situation I have is where a bicycle path is shown, I mark waypoints along it, the TT follows it for a short while but leaves to go on a road ASAP even though I choose the "Bicycle Path planning option".
Has anyone successfully made this work ?
Should it choose a bicycle path rather than an equivalent road beside it, if you choose the bicycle option ?
Why does the bicycle option exist ?
That's the point. Many people who go for a walk, don't want to walk along roads.But don't go off the road cause TT might have difficulties to know where you are.
I suspect the bicycle option will still only take you along roads BUT may allow for the route to include 1-way streets and blocked roads not available for cars. Certainly, walking route option works this way.
I have found the best planning option for bicycle riding is the Walking planing option. It uses the bicycle/walking paths a lot but still chooses a road if there is an alternative.
I have beaten the battery life probably with a USB solar battery which 1/4 the thickness of the GO720 (same HxW & weigh nothing) so never have to plug in my TomTom whilst there is some daylight or I am close to a desklamp !! Yippee ! It even works sitting on my car dashboard !
Works really well on my handle bars on my bicycle & I can pedal all day with my TomTom telling me where to go but it still takes me off the bike paths too often #@!#@!
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