Use this with TomTom & Google to mark a way point and save in favorites

Here is a program you can use to mark waypoints and save them to your TT favourites. Just zoom in/out as required, pin it. You are given the longitude & latitude.
You then name it and save it to your TT.
I have suggested to TomTom before since they allow the use of the keyboard to allow cut-and-paste of coordinates.

Have you tried MapPinner ? I am getting

View attachment 2214
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I get the same error. I had TomTom connected to the PC and HOME running.
Do you have Home running when you first use the mappinner program?
Yes, I do.

First time I got a different screen asking me whether I was using Home and I clicked on [YES].

What's a 'simple' clipboard programme that can keep multiple screen prints. WFW3.11 had one built iin but it wouldn't work for 95/98.
I have suggested to TomTom before since they allow the use of the keyboard to allow cut-and-paste of coordinates.

Have you tried MapPinner ? I am getting

View attachment 2214

Yes I had home connected first but I am also using English UK in this program, I don't know if that makes a difference.

I just tried it again and it worked fine.
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Yes I had home connected first but I am also English UK in this program, I don't know if that makes a difference.
I just tried it again and it worked fine.
I switched maps,
I changed devices,
I picked the Narrow Boat Museum in Little Sutton,
I changed to English (UK).

Identical error message.

One question since you were successful, where is the result kept?
Recent destination?
I switched maps,
I changed devices,
I picked the Narrow Boat Museum in Little Sutton,
I changed to English (UK).

Identical error message.

One question since you were successful, where is the result kept?
Recent destination?

My results are saved to my favorits.
I connected to this site through the link in this GPS forum, that might make a difference ?

I just tried pinning the CN Tower. Everything went fine and it is in my Favorits.
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My results are saved to my favorits.
I connected to this site through the link in this GPS forum, that might make a difference ?
Neither searches in yournav nor mytomtom finds mapPinner.
Tried it again directly from mappinner with the Toronto Zoo and get the same HOME alarm as before.

What is the URL for the post in yournav that carries mappinner?
Neither searches in yournav nor mytomtom finds mapPinner.
Tried it again directly from mappinner with the Toronto Zoo and get the same HOME alarm as before.

What is the URL for the post in yournav that carries mappinner?

Non't know why it won't work for you.

The one thing that might be an isue , just a guess though. I see you have US english in dropdown box.

When I open mappiner I don't change anything eg I leave the country in drop down box as UK English .

All I do is zoom out find the spot I want to pin and zoom in to define it a bit closer then click on the + TT icon and window opens asking if I want to show on map, navgate to, or add to Favorites. all the time I have Home running in background.
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Maybe I'm missing something, but why use a tool if all you need is included in Google maps already ?
  • Connect your TomTom to the PC
  • Open Google maps
  • Enter an address
  • Go to Send, choose GPS and TomTom as Brand, than press Send button
  • HOME will be started and the virtual device switched on
  • Choose Navigate to it or Add to favorites
That's it !

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Neither searches in yournav nor mytomtom finds mapPinner.
Tried it again directly from mappinner with the Toronto Zoo and get the same HOME alarm as before.

What is the URL for the post in yournav that carries mappinner?
Just go to yournav and on the homepage there is a small advertisement on the righthand side of the page with a (+TomTom) in it click on it and it will open up to mappiner
as I said before I don't change anything when mappiner opens up I jusy zoom out and pin on say on Ontario then zoom in to fine define where I want to place pin.
With Home workong in background.
Good luck
let me know how you make out.
Just go to yournav and on the homepage there is a small advertisement on the righthand side of the page with a (+TomTom) in it click on it and it will open up to mappiner
I wasn't looking for mapPinner I was looking for UK posters contributions.
as I said before I don't change anything when mappiner opens up I jusy zoom out and pin on say on Ontario then zoom in to fine define where I want to place pin.
With Home workong in background.
Good luck
let me know how you make out.
As mentioned before, I had changed to English (UK) but it meant beans.
Just now I tried and got the same result as before.
I cannot be bothered to pursue this for the time being.

View attachment 2239
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Maybe I'm missing something, but why use a tool if all you need is included in Google maps already ?
  • Connect your TomTom to the PC
  • Open Google maps
  • Enter an address
  • Go to Send, choose GPS and TomTom as Brand, than press Send button
  • HOME will be started and the virtual device switched on
  • Choose Navigate to it or Add to favorites
That's it !
I have never been able to move anything but a Google listed business to Favourites.

When trying the Send a residential address the process will start HOME all over again although it it already running in the background.

Pretend Send (Google) and mapPoint both work well.
Google is fine (I actually use Tyre for the avove) if you have an address.
mapPoint is brilliant to quickly just point a location within seconds.

I feel both approaches have their advantages and should not be mutually exclusive.
Maybe I'm missing something, but why use a tool if all you need is included in Google maps already ?
  • Connect your TomTom to the PC
  • Open Google maps
  • Enter an address
  • Go to Send, choose GPS and TomTom as Brand, than press Send button
  • HOME will be started and the virtual device switched on
  • Choose Navigate to it or Add to favorites
That's it !


Not sure Oskar but I think you have to know the address # etc first in google map for that to work especially if it is new.

With map pinner if you know the general location you can zoom in with it and save it as a waypoint with
longitude & latitude in you favorites.



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Gar, the photos ou put up on photobucket in order to link here appeared to have been moved. Can you go back to pb, go to each photo and refresh the link. Then, re-edit your post here with the new link information.
LOL learning curve ,,, after I had posted them I went back to PB and deleted them thinking that they were in the posting :D

I will redo this again lol.

Buy the way thanks again for the PB link.

could you go to the 4" flashscreen post and see if my PB flash screen is still there.
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